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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Md. Measure Would Create Punitive Damages For Drunk Driving

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A measure in Maryland would allow punitive civil penalties against some drunk drivers.

The bill outlined Tuesday has been introduced at a time when drunken driving is getting added attention in Maryland, after the state’s second highest-ranking bishop in the Episcopal Church was accused of fatally hitting a cyclist while driving drunk in Baltimore late last year.

Under the bill, a drunk driver who causes injury or death could be subject to fines to provide restitution to victims, if proven that the person was driving with a blood alcohol content of twice the legal limit or driving on a suspended or revoked license.



  1. i will drink to that.

  2. Why not make it for anything past BAC limits? Why double?

    Lets add cell phone use along with it.

  3. What business does the Government have involved in the private tort system?
    Filing a suit against someone in civil court is not illegal, there is no need for this legislation!

  4. I would make it law that DUI or DWI carries a sentence of "Attempted Mass Murder" with a minimum sentence of 25 years and a lifetime drivers license ban. Since we don't have the death penalty anymore. Thanks to every generation getting softer and softer.

  5. 7:30, Be careful what you wish for.

    In 10 years Liberals will be claiming the driver had no access to transportation other then their own.

    Next thing you know we'll have government run Obama Cabs for every one, just like the Obama Trolley in Downtown Salisbury Thursday through Saturday night.

  6. I guess they should stop selling alcohol at all bars and restaurants because under Maryland rules, one drink makes you considered drunk. I think the rules are way out of control. Another form of prohibition just like tobacco.


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