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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Mayor Ireton Treats Yet Another Taxpayer With Total Disrespect

"I admire your intestinal fortitude! As you know we are asking the council to have a discussion about the definition of "weekday" in the near future. One legal opinion that has been filed is that of the Supreme Court, so I don't know if any independent decision from my office changes things. A re-examination of the law is necessary, and Ms. Mitchell has worked diligently on your behalf. Have no fear, Laura is on it. Additionally, love reading your stuff on sbynews! Have a great day". Mayor Jim Ireton

Mr Mayor,

Now that takes some intestinal fortitude!!! How dare you say that I am ranting? These are facts and this is not a rant. 

The City Council President, Mr Jacob R Day, asked me to fill him in on what was happening and to include him in any future emails, as the email address he has listed on the City website is incorrect. I took you for your word this morning in your email that you were working to resolve the matter. I simply have included Mr Day in our correspondence, and brought him up to speed AT HIS REQUEST.

Seriously? Why are you treating me like a second class citizen? 

Does this community not matter? Do you not like being challenged to live up to the law? 

I can see where your true allegiance is, and it is NOT WITH YOUR COMMUNITY.

I will forward you Mr Day request to be brought up to speed.

Ireton Responds: 

"With this last rant, I will let you know that staff and myself will no longer have contact with you via email. We have asked the city attorney to speak with you regarding the law and have assured you that we are taking this up at a future work session. I, as a public servant, do not have to be written to like this -and neither does my staff, which has tried to help you at every turn. Good day". Mayor Ireton


  1. Going to backfire, big time

  2. So funny to read who is lecturing someone about "ranting." Yes, such a model of self control has earned the right to correct others.

  3. Ireton knows he is going to lose the next election he is a true ASSHOLE.

  4. Our tax dollars hard at work, all over the definition of Week Day, this is truly sad.

    1. Isnt that the truth?? Indeed, a sad state of affairs.

  5. Its thursday jane is getting itchy in hanging out with his boyfriend Friday night at rehomo beach i am sure daddy is proud.

  6. What an asshole. He will NEVER be elected in Salisbury again!

  7. Mayor Ireton,

    I am disappointed in your response and you must have known that Mr. Albero will indeed engage you (as well he should). I have stayed out of the politics of the local area, instead keeping my commentary to local school issues. At this time I can do no longer. Frankly, you are a very poor public servant and your self serving agenda is coming to a very quick end. I am tired of seeing your flagrant disregard for your office along with the total lack of respect for the citizenry of Salisbury with your well publicized antics. You are, quite frankly a fraud and an embarrassment to both the WCBOE and this community. To engage in such rhetoric in the face of the coming changes (including your eventual removal)so desperately needed in this community only point to a shallow individual incapable of seeing beyond his own self worth.


    1. Jimbo likes to party but trust me the Whole os Salisbury is counting down his days then the real party will start tick tock jimmy you punk liw life Tw_T.

    2. All this community wants is PEACE AND QUIET. THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK????
      Thanks for your input Paladin.

  8. Isn't it Ironic that he says that He as a public servant does not have to be "Written to like this".

    The fact that he is a public servant obligates him to deal with such issues and even angry constituents.

    This is proof he feels that as Mayor he is above the rest of us instead of there to SERVE us.

    1. Jimbo is sulking because he planned on Norman Conway being re-elected and retiring while in office, with Jimbo being appointed to his seat. That plan backfired thanks to fed up voters. Now he will have to settle for being a full time school teacher. Frightening thought. Salisbury will continue to suffer at the hand of Jake Day and the majority of liberal council members.

  9. The caption picture is sooooo spot on!

  10. Paladin, As a citizen of Salisbury, I am desparately trying to understand what the hell you are saying are trying to say. Sorry just a 70 year old that is somewhat shallow.

  11. Dear 2:50,

    I have significant understanding of the local political arena - I have stayed out of it for many reasons, but at this point I will no longer. I have direct knowledge of many things including several indiscretions the mayor has engaged in beyond what many are aware of - to share and be sure, I find this situation disturbing beyond what the local citizenry is aware of. When I began serving this community 25+ years ago, I took seriously my contract. "Moral turpitude" was a significant portion of this. I hope that can clarify things for you a bit as I begin to assemble the necessary pieces.


  12. Why does mayor queereton let this go so far. If the contractor has a deadline he must meet why not try to work it out with the local residents by starting about 9am on saturdays and 10am on sundays and knock off around 4:30. And put some mufflers on his equipment and don't park so damn close to the local houses so they don't have hear that equipment warming up at 6am.

  13. In the mayor's first response he said he was enjoying reading about this person's complaints on SBYnews.

    This is proof that the Mayor is finding this person's issue amusing rather than taking it seriously.

    It is safe to say he had no intentions on doing anything about this.

    1. You are 100% correct. Now, to retaliate against me for being a thorn in their sides, it will likely take months to get this heard in front of the Council. That not only spites me, BUT ALL OF SALISBURY AS WELL. But fear not, once this project is over I will not let up. The residents of Salisbury have the RIGHT to enjoy a certain level quality of life !!!

  14. When do the Salisbury residents get to vote felchie-boy out of office?

    Who's gonna run that's worth electing.....

  15. How about the company buy the home owners bagels and oj every morning as a good gesture.

    1. As long as there are hundred dollar bills stuffed inside the bagels, LETS EAT !!

  16. 3:29 I think its clear that the Mayor has some sort of special interest in this project. Perhaps the contractor is a friend or maybe the mayor is being paid a cut of the bonus money the contractor gets for completely the job on time or early.

    I say this because there is no other reason for the Mayor to side with a contractor over a concerned citizen especially when there is a law in place to prevent such issues from occurring.

    Notice also how Laura Mitchell seemed pretty gung-ho about helping this guy out but once she talked to the the "powers that be" she suddenly back pedaled and excepted the lame excuse that was given to her.

    1. Gillis Gilkerson, Terra Firma, Harkins, and several others are on this project, with Gillis being the general.


    1. Anyone can file a FOIA. Its very easy. Go to FOIA.gov for your instructions.
      The Mayor has been communicating with me about this particular issue, if thats what you mean.

  18. i was hoping someone would point out the mayor's initial reference to Salisbury News. Not a very professional response from the "mayor". In fact it's petty and childish.

  19. I think he might be a drunk. The confrontational tone of these emails suggests alcohol related mood disorder.
    He thinks he's being cute and clever, but all he is doing is exposing his issues for all to see. That is a common sign of someone with this disorder.
    Now tonight in his mind he'll justify having to drink because of all he's had to "deal with" in relation to this. That's how those with this disorder operate.

  20. Paladin @ 3:00 - Thank you for the advance notice. Please post as soon as you have the facts!

  21. childish at best. so embarrassing. please retire this child asap.

  22. Did you expect anything different from a part time teacher?

  23. By the time, "in the near future" ever gets here, and with the way our council works, the project will be completed and it won't matter anymore to Mayor Ireton.

  24. "With this last rant, I will let you know that staff and myself will no longer have contact with you via email."

    I would like to point out that he loves to control his "staff." And who is this "we" that he keeps referring to? The letter/email is from him and not several. He definitely has a damn ego problem. I guess his boyfriend keeps him bottom all the time.

  25. Anonymous ricky said...
    Its thursday jane is getting itchy in hanging out with his boyfriend Friday night at rehomo beach i am sure daddy is proud.

    January 29, 2015 at 2:29 PM


  26. Can we bitch slap him.

  27. "Moral turpitude" lol We wouldn't have any politicians left if that was the case.

  28. Ms Mitchell. ..? Did she get rid of the sexual kid harraser hubby ?

  29. MOM said...
    Ireton knows he is going to lose the next election he is a true ASSHOLE.

    January 29, 2015 at 2:20 PM

    The city council changes the pay to full time pay with benefits you would see quality people run for Mayor. It is a full time job with minimal part time pay. Only people with big egos, agendas and/or and inferiority complex run for mayor. Make it a full time paid position and this city might be able to crawl out of the hole it's been in for the last 20 years. It can be done and we have suggested this before. Hire a full time mayor with benefits and eliminate one or both of the city administrator positions.

  30. Anonymous said...
    What a douche.

    January 29, 2015 at 2:22 PM

    Jim Ireton is a Douche Bag who spends most of his time performing in Rehoboth beach. Wink, Wink.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In the mayor's first response he said he was enjoying reading about this person's complaints on SBYnews.

    This is proof that the Mayor is finding this person's issue amusing rather than taking it seriously.

    It is safe to say he had no intentions on doing anything about this.

    January 29, 2015 at 3:38 PM

    No this proves that Mayor(lol) Jim Ireton spends most of his life Trolling on SBYNews.com. We pay him to be a mayor when in reality he is a TROLL!!

  32. Anonymous said...
    childish at best. so embarrassing. please retire this child asap.

    January 29, 2015 at 4:34 PM

    Hey... His buddy Norman Conway got his clock cleaned. We can do the same with Jim Ireton.

  33. "Intestinal fortitude?" Please Ireton grow the hell up. Clichés and other unnecessary words are for those who don't know how to get a problem solved.
    These emails have proven how useless this mayor is. Salisbury is in trouble when the mayor can't even solve this problem with an amicable solution.
    Good jobs are leaving, citizens have concerns and all this mayor knows how to do is run from bar to bar. What a loser. What a failure. No wonder he's not ever accomplished anything in his life.

  34. Well maybe if Ireton had some "intestinal fortitude" (that's so tacky about as bad as the Bury)hundreds of people wouldn't be out of a job!
    The last email has shown how useless he is. If he can't deal with this problem which is simple he can't deal with anything. He's not a leader. A real leader never lets their hurt feeling get in the way of resolving a problem. He not doing his job and he needs to leave and let someone who can handle problems have the position. Salisbury's failing due to people like Ireton who aren't problem solvers.
    I'm so glad you posted the emails. It shows everyone how truly incompetent he is. All he has is a lot of mouth and zero results.

  35. Maybe Ireton should spend his weekends in a house at the edge of the construction site so he has to listen to the noise at all hours. After all, he works for the people, so he should have to live like the people.

  36. You forgot this part of the Mayors response Joe....

    Mr. Stevenson - All correspondence from this citizen will now be forwarded to Mr. Tilghman in the city attorney's office. Thanks.

  37. To file a FOIA with the city, it's called a PIA in Maryland (Public Information Act). You can get a form from the city clerk's office, those nice ladies, one is Kim and the other is Diane (or Diana, not sure). Or you can write a letter, but the form is the safer way to go.

    Be real specific about what you want, though. Saying "I want every email the mayor ever got or sent" will be rightfully declined as too broad. Something more like "all correspondence from and to the mayor, written and/or electronic, concerning (the issue or during the month of blank 20__). Something like that. You get the idea. Remember that one guy who asked for documents about the fire boat or the fire house? The docs were so big, they charged him $300 for copying - which is legal.

  38. A true leader would try to find an amicable solution to this issue that both parties can live with instead of passing the buck off to a council member. We need problem solvers not more lawyers to fight something out in court.

  39. Folks, have any of you out there had work stopped by the city on Saturday or Sunday for lack of a permit?

    All this dude TowJam needs is for a couple of you that have had that experience to contact him. It's what they call precedent. It would show that the city has already recognized M-F as weekdays and Sat.*Sun. as the weekend.

    As for this crap about "Laura Mitchell is on it," what exactly is she on? Methodone? A high horse? A false accusation against Joe Albero and the Salisbury Police Department? Does Ireton not know it's HIS job to enforce the city laws, not Laura Mitchell's? Has he annointed her to be his successor to the throne?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.

  40. Ireton is such an emotional child.

  41. I guess Mayor Ireton can't take the heat, so he is passing the buck to the Attorneys. He does not want to be bothered. That just figures with this town! So much for the "Bury" working for the it's citizens, who elected him into office. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Keep the fire burning!

  42. Please....ANYBODY thats been shut down contact me. Contact the city officials and voice your opinion !!!!

  43. Dear Mr. Christian:

    This note follows your many communications with City officials regarding the construction activity adjacent to your home on Saturdays. You have asserted that construction is prohibited on Saturdays pursuant to code section 8.20.020 I. I have reviewed the code and researched case law to determine whether you are correct. I have also inquired and been informed that the prior City Solicitor previously researched this issue and concluded that the code does not prohibit construction on Saturday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.

    The applicable section provides that construction at anytime "other than between the hours of seven a.m. and six p.m. on weekdays" is a violation of the noise ordinance. Neither the Charter nor the City Code define the word "weekday." We must, therefore, examine outside sources for the definition to be applied in the interpretation of this word. My hard copy of Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (1984 edition), that I have used since graduating from law school, defines "weekday" as "a day of the week except Sunday or sometimes except Saturday and Sunday." Merriam-Webster's current on-line version has exactly the same definition under the heading "Full Definition of Weekday."

    Dictionary.com defines weekday as "any day of the week except Sunday or, often, Saturday and Sunday." Collins English Dictionary defines "weekday" as "any day of the week other than Sunday and, often, Saturday." Wikipedia defines the word as follows: "a weekday is any day of the week except Sunday and often also Saturday."

    While you might find other definitions that would completely exclude Saturday as a weekday, I, as the City Solicitor, must interpret the law in a manner that will be upheld by the courts which are called upon to enforce the law. Since the applicable code section is a criminal law for which violators can be found guilty of a misdemeanor, any ambiguity in the law must be resolved in the light most favorable to the defendant charged with a violation. McNally v. United States, 483 U.S. (1987).

    Because of the ambiguity in the dictionary definitions, the prior interpretation of the law by my predecessor, and the City's practice of not prohibiting construction on Saturday, there is no doubt that the City noise ordinance does not prohibit the activity described in your communications. While the City cannot assist you in this matter, this does not mean that you have no recourse if the actions of the contractor amount to a nuisance. I encourage you to contact a lawyer and to pursue any civil remedies that might be available to you and your neighbors. Good luck.

    S. Mark Tilghman
    Seidel, Baker & Tilghman, P.A.
    Attorneys at Law
    110 N. Division Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    Telephone: 410 742-8176
    Fax: 410 742-3117

  44. It's thrilling that the fool loves reading about this on SbyNews. Nothing like reading about your own failings online. If he were competent this matter would never have made it this far.
    We are from another county but did drive around Salisbury just the other day. While driving through some areas, the phrase was zone came to mind. Not hard to understand why now after reading the emails from such an ill mannered, crude and vulgar "mayor" who isn't capable of handling a problem before it blows up. He fits right into the ghetto Salisbury has evolved into.
    His "staff" sounds like a bunch of losers themselves. It's hard to believe not one of them, can take the bull by the horns so to speak and say "yes I can handle this." Speaks volumes to their inadequacies.
    Yep no wonder Salisbury is a war zone!

  45. I do not see any ambiguity, as all definitions included, often, Saturday.

    Fact is Gilkerson's money is more important than yours. It is that simple.

    And the Mayor is an embarrassment.

    You should send this national there are websites that would gladly pick this up, just point them to sbynews.

    1. Agreed.



      Show me a national website interested, and I would gladly forward ALL of my info to them.

  46. May we please get this bunch out of office so that the dignity can be restored to this city and county? Can we please get rid of the "bury" slang and find a respectful title for a city who is the city sister to Salisbury England. They probably want a divorce from us and I don't blame them. There is no class or dignity in this city any longer. It is just so sad.

  47. Its obvious that the majority of the people surveyed and that have commented about this issue feel that Saturday is part of the weekend, and not a weekday.
    Some ofthe people elected to represent the community have readily admitted that they feel the SAME WAY. Others have not disclosed their position. With that said, will the Council address this issue (because the community wants it addressed) or will they sweep it under the rug and blame it on what the City Attorney has opined?
    I am demanding that this issue be brought to the next Council meeting and opened up to discussion to the community.
    After all, the officials MUST answer to their constituents.

  48. Tick tock Ireton tick tock.

  49. Because a citizen has a legitimate complaint, it is now called a "rant" when he presents the complaint? Ireton needs to step aside and go on over to Rehoboth if he does not want to deal with people and/or problems here in Salisbury where he is supposed to be Mayor. What a pathetic person he is.

  50. If this is the way it is going to be. The equipment should not be started before 7:00. And nothing else should be accomplished before 7:00. 7:00 means 7:00. And not one minute before then. That means, not starting the equipment at 6:40 in the morning, to get ready to go to work at 7:00. That would put the contractors in violation. Now what shame that would be.

    1. Even if they are in violation, as they were this morning AGAIN, the City Police will only show up and say "Hi, I was called out for a noise complaint. Doesnt look like anything is out of order here though. Sorry to bother you guys. Have a nice day."
      And nothing more will happen. No citations were issued this morning, so the precedent being set is that its ok to break the law and suffer no consequence.
      Game on City Attorney. Game on, sir.

  51. This is coming from a man who throws temper tantrums in public! I really believe ireton should be given a psychological evaluation. He's not fit to continue to serve as the mayor. Council would have public's support in removing him from office.

  52. Can the residents of the area affected file an injunction putting a stop to construction until this is resolved? That would hit Gillis et al where it hurts most, in the wallet. They would have to pay a fine for every day they are overdue on their contract. If they have a liquidated damages clause, which most construction contracts do have included.

    1. Injunctive protection has been placed on the table.
      The fight is more with the City than the contractor. The contractors will push the envelope as far as you let them, thats how they make money. Thats what they all do. The City, however, is responsible for enforcing the laws THEY themselves have created that protect the citizenry which elected them into office.
      When all the noise is complete and the birds return to chirpping, a new project will spring up somewhere in Salisbury and a whole new group of individuals will get to go through this same crap....and I personally dont want to see that happen.

  53. M-F are weekdays, S & S are the weekend. There's no ambiguity. Try telling a judge that according to the dictionary you've used since law school, Saturday is a weekday in a child visitation hearing. See how well that goes over.

  54. It seems to me that he perceives this position as that of homecoming king. He acts like a spoiled frat boy. He seeks attention at all costs and when the attention he gets is even moderately negative he responds with childish sarcasm or temper tantrums. How can anyone take him seriously? Does anyone want him being involved in anything that matters? Can you imagine him sitting across the table from the CEO of Labinal as the representative of this city and expect them to not laugh all the way back to Texas? If serious people with real management skills aren't elected soon this place is finished. And I mean for good.

  55. he's a full time drunk

  56. Mr. Towjam,

    The city solicitor isn't the bad guy here. From what I can see, he's the one person not blowing smoke up yer butt or treating you with disrespect.

    Here is something I found interesting in what he wrote:

    "and the City's practice of not prohibiting construction on Saturday"

    Now, I've heard different. The city isn't very consistent, but I hear they have stopped work on Saturdays. Don't know if the reason was that it was Saturday, or something else they was doing wrong. That's the key. Was it becuz they needed a special permit on Saturday, or becuz they needed a permit, period.

    The attorney also gave you some advice about nuisance. If these guys are being a nuisance, you and your neighbors could file a request for an injunction, even a temporary one.

    It was wrong of the mayor to say you rant. I seen that man on PAC14. Now there's a man that rants.

    Good luck, sir.

    1. I have no ill feelings toward Mr Tilghman. I know he has a job to do as well as the next guy. I do not agree with his summation of this issue, nor do I appreciate him trying to push me aside by rambling off a bunch of different definitions of the word weekday, and calling it the law. He is protecting the City because thats what they pay him to do. Someone, dont know who yet, is protecting the large contractors here as well, thats obvious.
      I also think there are special interests involved in this that none of us knows about. Its not as simple as a noise ordinance violation when youre talking about the sums of money that are involved. Time is money and deadlines are looming.
      Thanks for your input.

  57. Early morning construction noise prior to 7am is subject to COMAR regulations.

  58. InvictusV -

    Not to worry, Jake Day will save Salisbury!

    Just joking.

  59. I need a drink after reading all this. I say bury the 'bury!

  60. Joe, I'm guessing that was a member of the Chamber of Commerce pushing for a full-time better paid mayor. They want to take care of their boy, Jake. I've heard you say the same.

    I don't think you'll get better people. I think you'll get career politicians, same caliber, more Laura Mitchell.

    What you need are more ladies like those two who are now gone. Mrs. Campbell was top notch. She gave it her all for a lousy 10 grand and some health insurance. Mrs. Cohen was also top notch. They took her health insurance away and she still gave it her all, which I could tell was hurting her health. And with kids, that had to be scary.

    Salisbury's been lucky to have a few who have been in there for something other than ego. With a big pay, full-time mayor, you'll continue to see the egos, the wannabees, etc. Plus the ones that can't hold any other job full-time. Heck, all you need to do is look at the $85k county executive that just got booted. I'm betting Bob Culver would have done it even if it paid less and was part time.

    Thanks for letting me share my opinion, worth two cents in 1983 dollars,

  61. I'm taking my ball and going home. Da Mayer

  62. da mayor is still riding his big wheel down camden avenue

  63. Jim Ireton must have given the fat blogger this guys name for complaining. The funny thing is nobody looks at fatboy's site.

  64. 10:19 Women should not hold positions where decisions need to be made. Too emotional.

  65. " towjam said...
    I have no ill feelings toward Mr Tilghman. I know he has a job to do as well as the next guy. I do not agree with his summation of this issue, nor do I appreciate him trying to push me aside by rambling off a bunch of different definitions of the word weekday, and calling it the law. He is protecting the City because thats what they pay him to do."

    This attorney is paid to keep the tax payers from getting into costly litigation because of ill written charters and ordinances. The duty doesn't include showing allegiance exclusively to the city.

    1. Thanks City Administrator. Now that thats cleared up, lets get back to the issue at hand.

    2. In this instance his allegiance is with the City. His email to me proves just that.

    3. **his EXCLUSIVE allegiance is to the City in this instance.
      Prove me wrong.

  66. 7:09... Hahaha.... what cave did you crawl out of????

  67. The mayor will hold his office as long as the law will allow because the voters are stupid and the vote is fixed.

  68. "towjam said...
    **his EXCLUSIVE allegiance is to the City in this instance.
    Prove me wrong.

    January 30, 2015 at 7:37 AM"

    No you are absolutely correct in your observation regarding the attorney and his allegiance on this matter. The explanation he gave you was beyond silly. He had nothing to offer and why he would lend his name to what amounts to nothing more than throwing something, anything out there and hoping it sticks, is mind boggling.

  69. Send the story in to - The Blaze - they love stuff like this.

  70. Also this is a testament to the lack of journalist integrity around here.

    Either or both of those tv stations should have a camera crew out there by 7AM EACH WEEKEND morning. That is if they actually gave a flip about this community.

    This would be the perfect opportunity to show that they could do right and make a difference.

    WDMT didn't have any issue dragging their a$$es out to that poor deceased mans house to trash his reputation and put his life out there for all to see, but when it comes to a real story, they are no where to be found.

    Pathetic state of affairs.

  71. Contact CNN or Headline news.

  72. Tilghman stated the law. Had the city presumed, without a local or state law to support it, to stop the construction on any given Saturday, it would have placed itself liable for a lawsuit against it, brought by the construction company, based on the very information that the city attorney presented above, that there's nothing in the law that says that Saturday is surely and undeniably not in the workweek. The case would be a slam-dunk against the city, as the law fully supports the petitioner's position.

    Aside from the early starts (code calls for 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and loud noise (code covers noise), the contractor isn't breaking the law.

    Talk with an attorney about the Saturday issue. Let us know what he or she says.
    Until then, keep on recording early equipment and construction noise starts and call SPD when they occur so that they can corroborate your observations and enter them into their logs as noise complaints or early start complaints. No one will do it for you, unless one or more of your neighbors, who are exposed to the same activities, come forth with the effort.

  73. Why is Fat Boy Blogger over there using this guys name and bashing him? I am sure Jim Ireton is behind that.

  74. While I certainly agree with everyone else regarding the classless, ill-behaved childish embarrassment of mayor Ireton, I believe the national news should be contacted. Let the rest of the world hear and see and childish this mayor is. Contact FOX NEWS. This will be great conversation to show just how backward, and stupid these people truly are.


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