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Monday, February 23, 2015

Marylanders' in Bad Financial Shape

Maryland - Ranked No. 6 In Nation for Repossessions

Increase in repossessions since January 2014: 99.8%

Foreclosure activity continues to be a constant presence in Maryland, where the foreclosure rate is the third-highest in the country at one in every 611 properties. The good news is overall foreclosure activity declined nearly 11% from last year


Joe - this is yet another reason that helps to explain why Wicomico's workforce numbers keep declining. If one considers the repossession data, declining workforce participation rate, number of taxable & non-taxable income tax returns, high poverty rate - it shows that Maryland is truly in 'deep malarky'. Yet all of the MSM's in our area downplay 'reality'. All except for SBYnews.


  1. Probably starts on the "Eastern Sho", with da Bury as epicenter.

  2. Wish our "educators" who want to spend, spend, spend and build new schools were smart enough to understand this. For what it's worth, I find them to be some of the most uneducated people I've ever seen. They are bullies that hide behind children to try and bankrupt the community. If they had any common sense as well as true education, they would be trying to work with County and State governments rather than using the tactics they do which are continuing to alienate the taxpayers.

  3. sho glad I got out when I did... LOL

  4. To 3:22 Poster that said:
    Wish our "educators" who want to spend, spend, spend and build new schools were smart enough to understand this. For what it's worth, I find them to be some of the most uneducated people I've ever seen.

    My response: Amen brother! I could not agree with you more. Where were our educators when most of the 'high flying businesses' decided to fly the eastern shore coup. If one looks at their salaries - they have been the only class of people who have benefited while the rest of population were forced into poverty.

    SBYNEWS is the only one covering this. And FOX news has been exposing it nationally.

  5. Two years ago I paid 25,000 in both state md and fed taxes. Moved out of md this year I paid 14,000 in taxes. The liberals don't understand in order for ALL the give away programs to work people need jobs.

  6. What is scary is that MD lies just outside the Washington beltway. And if things are as bad as is being reported - then we really are in deep Sh---. Let's face it, the Democrats have literally destroyed our economic system. Between the high taxes, tags, licenses, flush taxes, rain tax, and a ka-zillion others, it's no wonder most all of the Fortune 500 businesses have exodus.

  7. I have house for sale in fruitland..near new bennet middle..anyone intetested?--does that tell ya how i feel?

  8. Wow, isn't it wonderful. Maryland is in the top 10 of something!!!!

  9. I think the State is in bad financial shape. They are asking for at least 500 volunteers to resign and take a severance package of 15,000 plus 200 for each year of service. With jobs being scarce, I know of none who would consider this. Seems the state and local governments are the only full time employers out there. I plan to fix up my house to put it on the market. Plan to move and retire in North Carolina. There are jobs and a better quality of life. Taxes are lower there as well. Have friends and family who have moved there and are doing better than they were here in Maryland.
    I love my home and the shore, but I'm afraid the grass really is greener elsewhere. This area and the State as a whole is dying. It will take many years to come back, if it does at all. Both of my sons plan to leave the area as soon as they get out of college.


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