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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Maryland health leaders call for law requiring docs to report immunizations

An outbreak of measles spreading across the country is prompting Maryland health officials to take a closer look at its policies for tracking immunizations.

Maryland's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene plans to push for legislation that would require primary care physicians to report immunizations in a state database. Reporting to the database, called ImmuNet, is currently optional and about half of doctors participate.

Health officials are also working with the state's education department to improve tracking of immunization reports from preschools. All schools are required to report immunization information for students. The state has good records for immunization rates among K-12 students. But preschool programs are often categorized as child care centers, which means their immunization records are not necessarily included in the broader school immunization report.



  1. From my understanding, it's not that it's not given, it's that it doesn't work...

  2. Exactly, 10:22. Every child who has ever been to a school in the US has been immunized or sent home.

    The vaccine doesn't work, and the whistle has been blown on the bogus testing of the vaccine.

    This is why/ how government run medicine and health care can wind up killing you.

    Still love Obamacare?

  3. Just say no to communism...if you can flee MD

  4. By any illegal can attend with whatever 3rd world disease they bring with them. A few years ago an illegal in Bennett had TB and many students (including mine) had to undergo routine testing a couple of times due to exposure.

  5. It is a complete untruth that "every child who has ever been to a school in the US has been immunized or sent home". As foolish as it sounds, not all school districts have an absolute requirement for students to be vaccinated; aside from the fact that there are children who cannot be vaccinated for various reasons (already being immunocompromised, having an allergy to a vaccine component, etc), there are many districts that allow exceptions for religious or other reasons.
    And no - vaccines do not necessarily confer immunity to 100% of vaccinated individuals. There are in fact people who will never test positive for the antibodies, regardless of how many times they receive the vaccine.
    But a little basic understanding of how vaccines actually work - and the importance of a majority of the population being vaccinated in terms of overall public health - serves us all better than spewing nonsense about government conspiracies, etc. There's a reason that many diseases have been more or less eradicated in the US: Vaccines. And there's a reason some of them are making a comeback: Foolish people who choose not to vaccinate.

  6. So sorry you completely missed my entire point, 9:01. In no way did I recommend that people avoid getting vaccinated. And taking in all he rest you stated, that is all a normal consideration in any group or program, and will never be a cause for a widespread outbreak.

    The subject of my comment was that the vaccine DOESN'T WORK.

    I'll also agree with 6:56 about our open borders bringing in strains of diseases that our country has no protection from. There IS a reason for rules in entering our country.

  7. You believe a scientist tell you that hydrogen and oxygen make water... you believe a historian tell you who the leader of France in 1556 was... you believe an accountant suggest how much you can safely spend on a house... but you don't believe a doctor who tell you to vaccinate your children?

    Doctors know more than you. You probably know more about your job than the doctor. Deal with it and move on. Idiots are going to get us all sick.

  8. I will slap a law suit for hippa! A cop can't get my records w/o a warrant. Nor the government. I will not vaccinate my kids. They go to wicomico schools. They don't want that fight.

  9. 12:10 PM - I hope that your children never have to suffer because of your refusal to vaccinate them. I truly do. Because it's one thing when adults want to make foolish choices that impact only themselves, but it's quite another thing when those foolish choices impact their children, other peoples' children, and those public health in general. Perhaps you have never seen some of the devastating consequences of the diseases that you refuse to have your children vaccinated against. I have, and the fact that people willfully choose to deny their children access to the vaccines just blows my mind.


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