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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Maryland Health Advocates Push Increase In Tobacco Tax

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Supporters of a tax hike on cigarette packs are hoping the higher price will also increase healthier living.

The Healthy Maryland Initiative is set for a hearing Wednesday before a Senate committee. The proposed legislation would increase the state’s tobacco tax by one dollar per pack.

Advocates for the bill say the additional revenue could help fill gaps in health care coverage for pregnant women and contribute dollars toward overall public health care needs.

The bill is being proposed by Sen. Rich Madaleno, a Montgomery County Democrat.



  1. this is what annoys me about libtards from Maryland! increasing taxes does not generate additional revenues. these projections based on the lie are part of the reason, we are in this mess why don't they reduce taxes lower than surrounding states!!! then maybe we can talk about increase revenues ...until then I'll buy my cigarettes in Virginia thank you... booze too...

  2. 6:39PM
    You aren't alone, my friend. Besides, I'd rather pay taxes to a state with a little more 'eye on the ball' then MD has.

  3. I buy all my stuff in Delaware. It's 2 miles up the road! No reason to shop in Maryland for me at all.

  4. Start raising the stakes in the casinos! Or in the gyms! Alcohol for Christ sake. Constantly picking on smokers.

  5. Maryland at its best, I don't smoke but I do buy all my alcohol in Delmar and have to travel 10 miles each way, Hopefully Hogan in time will get things better in MD

  6. The last time Maryland raised tobacco taxes it resulted in significantly LESS revenue because smokers went to Delaware, Virginia, etc. to purchase cheaper smokes.

  7. I am very thankful my son and his wife have been able to stop smoking.
    None of this matters if you stop using drugs.Just because they are legal does not mean one positive thing.

  8. Just like alcohol, entertainment, anything user fee should be taxed.
    that way i can make my own decision if i want to use something and am willing to pay the tax.
    Raise the tobacco tax, alcohol, whatever.. i don't smoke, drink or indulge in any of those practices.
    I pay gas tax and sales tax. I don't eat out, no tax there..
    User fees, go for it!
    My income taxes can maybe go down!

  9. Liberal:
    Levy tax = to effect changes in behavior.
    Levy tax = pays for essential functions of government.

  10. One more reason to test welfare recipients for drugs, including tobacco use.
    Just a pack of cigarettes a day equals, at minimum, $180 per month, or over $2000 per year on completely non-essential spending that could go toward food, shelter, transportation, child care, etc.
    Health departments around the state will give nicotine patches and other medications to help people quit, for free.
    Tobacco use is not a right guaranteed by any law. It's time that we put the hammer down on this kind of foolish abuse of our tax dollars that come with supporting addictions to any sort of toxic substance, legal or not.

  11. gubmint can't get us to gamble, drink or smoke enough!


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