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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Martin O’Malley Gets Zero Votes in 2016 Poll

Former Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley received zero votes in an Iowa poll of 619 likely Democratic caucus-goers on whom they would support in a 2016 primary.

The Quinnipiac University poll found that not a single respondent said O’Malley would be their first choice for the Democratic nominee.

Politico reports:

Iowa Democrats don’t seem to be all that enamored with Martin O’Malley, according to a new poll released Thursday.

Among 619 likely caucus-goers surveyed by Quinnipiac University, zero percent responded that they would support the former governor of Maryland in 2016. And only 3 percent say he would be their second choice.



  1. Way too many - could encourage him to try and double the score. He's not bright enough to realize that too would be ZERO.

  2. he has no chance, never did

  3. This is because the whole Country knows how he screwed up Maryland with his liberal Obama bullshit.

  4. He's from little old Maryland. No one else has ever heard of him.

  5. LOL, 101 pm! Thanks for my belly laugh for the day!

    ...He would probably agree to try, too!

  6. Zero. Repeat, zero.


  7. All you have to say is "In Maryland he instituted a Rain Tax."

    And you can bet any other Dem making a run will be mentioning it. End of story.

  8. Good. Now piss of to obscurity.


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