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Friday, February 13, 2015

Mark Levin: Obama Is ‘Trying to Protect’ Islam and ‘Is Seeking to Destroy Israel’

President Barack Obama’s failure to honestly address the threat of the Islamic State and radical Islam, along with his actions towards Israel, show that he is “trying to protect the Muslim faith” and is “seeking to destroy Israel,” said nationally syndicated talk-radio host Mark Levin on Tuesday, Feb. 10.

Levin, who is Jewish and a conservative, made his comments after playing an audio clip of Obama in a recent Vox interview describing the radical Muslim attack on a kosher deli in Paris as being just “a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.”

The people in the kosher deli – killed the same day and in relation to the Islamist attack on the Charlie Hebdo office -- were targeted by a radical Muslim.

“There you go – ‘randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,’” said Levin, whose program is broadcast on more than 300 stations. “Do you know why he says that? He’s trying to protect the Muslim faith.”



  1. Totally agree, O'Bama wants to destroy Israel and help the extremist muslims, whichever of the twelve names they wish to kill under.The guest lists all contain the same names.

  2. If Israel falls and this ISIS continues then the biblical prophecies will be fulfilled. Russia and Korea will hell attack us all in the land of the holy.

  3. It is obvious Obama is a Muzzie Cultist and the cancer of Islam IS trying to dominate the world. They are succeeding.
    America must resist this murderous cult and begin to reverse the damage Obama has done.
    Time for a new Crusade to push Islam back again. The brutal worldwide Caliphate must be stopped. Therefore Obama must be stopped at all costs.


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