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Friday, February 20, 2015

“Make Arrests, Issue Tickets or Get Fired” Missouri Police Caught in Disgusting Quota Scheme

A former Bellefontaine Neighbors police officer has come out of the quota closet and is exposing the department’s highly unethical revenue collection scheme

Publishers Notes: I put this up because I know that a lot of this has gone on here on the Shore. Meet your quota or get written up and ultimately terminated. I just had this conversation with a former Salisbury Police Officer the other day. 


  1. Spd 8 citations and 10 warnings a month

  2. serve and protect. Big brother

  3. 9:48
    We should certainly not be setting bars, but if we were that is a pretty damn low one!

  4. Gerald, retired Detroit copFebruary 20, 2015 at 11:07 PM

    When I was a cop, we had to write 30 tickets a month. We would write like hell the 1st. week, then kind of forget about it, and then the last week write like hell again.
    My motto on speeding was do 9 you're fine, do 10 you're mine. (as in mph over limit)
    Every department has ticket quota's and arrest quota's. Can't feed the beast without money!

  5. Gerald you're a pervert. A mere mercenary idiot for hire. An imbecile that carried a badge and a gun not only robbing people on the street but stealing tax payer money to do it.
    I pity you and imagine all the sleepless nights you deserve.

  6. First, cops are adamant --- "there is no quota system".
    After it's revealed by other cops that there IS a quota system, they then fall back on their other mantra .....
    99% of all of our lies are justified....

  7. 11:21 PM - Why are you calling Gerald an imbecile? He told you they had to write 30 tickets a month. He did was he was told to keep a job.

  8. Notice Gerald is from Detroit. Proves his stupidity in the title.

  9. Joe I'm surprised you don't block any negative cop post since you are a big supporter of sheriffs office? There is a lot of cover up over there.

  10. Protect and Serve BIG BROTHER

  11. Gerald, retired Detroit copFebruary 21, 2015 at 10:16 AM

    I sleep fine, I was just doing my job. I don't even have bad dreams of the perps I shot and killed. (5) it was all in a days work. The only people that needed to fear me were criminals. And as you know, most people are guilty of something, we cops just need to find out what it is and arrest you!

  12. Gerald your the worst kind of POS because you hide behind, I was only doing my job. Good cops make decision and while they don't express dissatisfaction or disapproval of their departments, they still find ways to demonstrate logic and professionalism into their work without quotes.

  13. Lotta assumptions goin' on here:
    A) Gerald is who he states he is and did what he states he did.
    B) Quota's only purpose is to beat up on John Q. Public.

    Don't care about Gerald either way.
    How can anyone verify a cop's production (value) without official paper work? How can you prove he thwarted a burglary or armed robbery without documentation of contacts in his zone/district?
    Isn't a visible/measurable traffic infraction sufficient reason to make contact?


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