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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life and Death Maryland

Is it really so difficult to be a defender of life at all levels? Apparently newly elected Delegate Carl Anderton is conflicted. He is quoted by a DT reporter that when it comes to suicide, he “knows what he would do” if faced with a terminal illness, yet he also indicates that his brother-in-law’s illness may sway his vote in the House on so called “death with dignity” legislation (physician assisted suicide).

Folks on the shore lean hard toward life at all stages. Most of us who are older have dealt with prolonged illnesses within our respective families. We do not wish to see anyone suffer needlessly. Neither do our physicians and care givers which is why they go to great lengths to keep our family members (their patients) comfortable through their final days in this life. It is never pleasant, and it can be very trying, but we all intuitively know that death is a part of life.

It is unwise to take the reins of life and death from the hands of our Creator. If “pain and suffering” become the measuring rod by which we determine life worth living, someone must hold the measuring stick for determining how much is too much. Immediately, the proverbial “slippery slope” will appear creating its own legacy of pain and suffering which future generations will be forced to address.

Newly elected Delegate Carozza has indicated her opposition to the bill, but Delegate Anderton does not seem to know what to think. He stated that he would “like to hear” how you feel about the issue. With a typical flare for an incomplete article, the reporter did not bother to ask Senator Mathias, Senator Eckhart, Delegate Otto, or Delegate Hughes about how they plan on voting.

We at SBYNews ask the question: “Should physician assisted suicide by passed in Maryland?”


  1. Yes.
    But there Oath says NO.

  2. I think "Assisted suicide" is a better term, as 947 points out that asking a physician to be involved would be against THEIR oath.

  3. Yes to ease ones suffering they should have that option

  4. No. If God has you still here you still have a purpose. It may not be easy but it is right.


  5. Yes indeed. I would not want a prolonged life of suffering and burdening my family

  6. I would rather someone take their life in a controlled environment, than to do what they normally do and leave it to fate for someone to find them. Pitiful, either way.

  7. I for one don't have a problem with it. Oh and I'm glad he wants to here what we think.

  8. Anderton is going liberal on us.

  9. Yes.

    Assisted suicide has already been in practice for as long as I can remember, but without a name or legitimacy. Let's just get it out of the closet and give it and its practitioners the solemn honor it deserves.
    And if God has another purpose for he or she who decides to end his or her life, He will intervene.

  10. Carl doesn't have a "liberal" bone in his body, 10:42. He asked for your opinion.

    Obviously, you couldn't comprehend the question. Now go back down the basement.

  11. Absolutely, yes, it should be passed. If you know that you are never going to get better again, prolonging life is nothing but a hardship and burden on loved ones. Everyone should have the option. Yes.

  12. Yes, there can be no greater personal liberty, right, or freedom for an individual. If a person decides that they no longer want to exist, then they have the absolute right to choose to leave.

  13. No. Most of the people commenting here aren't thinking ahead. If you say yes, you are opening the door to Someone else Assisting you or your loved one right on out of here. Don't you see where and how this could lead to something you didn't intend???

    Really people, look at the big picture, not just Your little world and sphere.

    If this is allowed; there will be horrible consequences to follow and I'm quite sure you will be very sorry for your thoughtlessness. Not good. period.

  14. It is the one sin you can't be forgiven. You can't ask for forgiveness when your gone. It's just my believes. Sorry if it offends anyone. This is a touchy subject. I wouldn't risk it. I can't wait to get to heaven with my lord Jesus.

  15. It maybe a sin in your God's eyes, but only their "God" is the final judge.

  16. Sorry, but since I'm not sure if there is a God, I'm not willing to endure a lot of pain and suffering to find out he's not there at the other end.
    Yes, we need to be able to control our own lives, not suffer needlessly and make others take care of us.

    1. Can you imagine if your wrong? What does it hurt? I've lived a good life. If I get sick I'll deal with what the lord gives me as I always have.

  17. Our pets are allowed a more dignified death than we are.

    My life, my choice.

    ~Far From Home~

  18. First, I would like to thank Del. Anderton for asking for my personal opinion on the matter. I appreciate that respect.

    It is a difficult decision to make. I have watched four of my family members die. Two of the four had cancer. It was very hard to watch your love ones reduced to mere skin stretched over bone. Not pretty, not good.

    While my heart certainly says, "yes, please don't let them suffer, they have been through so much pain and suffering, let them die with dignity". But, my head says, "with GOD all things are possible, and in HIS time, HE will make all things new again". We may never know why our love ones suffered what they did, but I believe GOD has a better plan. His will not ours be done. Perhaps HE is working on and in the ones left behind that witnessed their love one have the courage to endure to the bitter end. And, perhaps in the final writing that was worth the wait. I believe we must let GOD decide when HE needs us called home. The easy road is straight, the harder road is the one not taken and has twists and turns.

  19. The government should have no say in what we do with our bodies, in life of death. Thank you, Mr. Anderton, for asking.

  20. 12:37
    Your beliefs are reasoned and deeply held, but they are your beliefs. It is not right to ask someone who does not share your values to suffer because of what you think.

  21. Some of you are incredibly trusting of a government that regulates your health care and has already established Death Panels to determine treatment options for those advancing in age...this would simply be another means to a government controlled end.

    ...and this is why we need people with wisdom in office and not those who wet their finger to see which way the wind is blowing...oh Carl...the ever "careful" politician. You like those calls from the D T a bit too much. Be careful or you will easily become "one of them".

    Norm Conway would never go for this liberal idea of "freedom". Many need to rethink what they're willing to accept...much too quickly.

  22. 1:09--
    This has nothing to do with government control, only personal choice being made legal. If there's no cure to be had, & that person wants to end their misery (theirs, not yours), they should be allowed to without there being repercussions for those that helped them on their way.

  23. 11:53 AM, you're right---this is a much bigger picture issue. I wish others would take the time to realize where this is heading. I hope physician assisted suicide does not pass, it's scary to think about what the future will hold if it does.

  24. A person should be able to end their own life when there is no hope of recovery.

    They should be able to do it with more comfort than the two different ones I know of who both refused food and drink.

    I know of another who was over drugged, accident or not, and never woke up. But lived for one to two weeks more.

    None of these people were ever going to get better.

    I know of another person who lived a longer life than most of us will. She was in her 90's. She suffered six months longer than need be saved from death three times by relatives who didn't let her go and modern medicine. She was unable to get out of bed those months or do anything for herself.

    Death is complicated. But I don't want to die in the ways these people did.

  25. I'd hate to be a doctor. I wouldn't do it. No doctor should. Their oath is to save lives. Wanna kill yourselves go do it. A bullet is just as painless and cheaper. helium is cheap and you can get it at the dollar store. Don't make others be involved in your death.


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