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Monday, February 23, 2015

Liberman: We Need to Stop 'Whining' About Iran and Take Action

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman on Friday hinted that Prime Minister Netanyahu is talking too much about Iran’s nuclear program instead of taking action.

Speaking to Channel 2 News, Liberman suggested that Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress, in which he will warn against a bad nuclear deal with Iran, does not have significant importance and that too many speeches harm Israel’s deterrence.

“When Menachem Begin decided to destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor, there were no speeches or public debate. We woke up one morning - and there was no reactor. The same is true for what we read in the media about Syria. One morning we woke up and the nuclear reactor was not there. Without speeches and without stories,” he said.

Read the rest here

[Liberman has a way with words, doesn't he? -- Editor]


  1. that's all Lieberman does is whine!

  2. Iraq and Syria are not Iran. Iran needs to be stopped and it would help if we didn't have a Muslim president that would actually back our ally when they do take out the reactor.

  3. While we sit in the comfort of our homes in front of our computers and make decisions that could impact the entire world.If a hundred people commented on what "should be done" that would only prove that none of us have a clue.

  4. Good idea. Better yet, put Liberman on the front lines. Right behind him put his privileged grandchildren. And the children of all the other politicians banging the drums of war.
    See how fast he decides that he doesn't really want another war in some third world craphole.
    The U.S. Air Force is UNSTOPPABLE.
    Use them.
    Just please stop finding new places to sell weapons and spill the blood of OUR sons and daughters.
    Or go do some fighting yourself.

  5. Why no put our nigerian, coward, lying king on the front line. Our allies are begging for help and the only thing this coward can do is be a community organizer. I guess social work and jobs are the best way to stop beheading, torture, crucifixion, rape, pilfering, slavery, etc. We need leadership and all this coward king can do is lead from behind. War is not always the answer but there are times it's the only option and our coward king refuses to believe this. He has betrayed American and our American values!


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