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Friday, February 13, 2015

Liberal SPLC Removes Ben Carson From 'Extremist Files'

The Southern Poverty Law Center has removed Dr. Ben Carson from its "Extremist Files," citing "intense criticism" in recent days.

A statement on the group's website now replaces Carson's "Extremist File" page, where quotes he made opposing same-sex marriage were cited as the reason for including him with Ku Klux Klan members, skinheads and other white supremacists.

"In October 2014, we posted an 'Extremist File' of Dr. Ben Carson. This week, as we've come under intense criticism for doing so, we've reviewed our profile and have concluded that it did not meet our standards, so we have taken it down and apologize to Dr. Carson for having posted it," the statement on the group's website reads.

But the group didn't completely back down, noting "We've also come to the conclusion that the question of whether a better-researched profile of Dr. Carson should or should not be included in our 'Extremist Files' is taking attention from the fact that Dr. Carson has, in fact, made a number of statements that express views that we believe most people would conclude are extreme."



  1. Their apology is accepted but make no mistake. This organization routinely tries to take away free speech rights by those who they disagree with.

    It's frightening.

  2. You accepted their apology eh? Piss on the SPLC.

  3. They act and think exactly like poverty stricken southern people usually do.
    Bucolic idiots that have been partially brainwashed by militant liberals.


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