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Friday, February 06, 2015

Liberal Md. Dems: The sky is falling

" The whole aim of politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
The sky is falling! Real cuts that will harm education, health, safety and the environment throughout Maryland! Gov. Larry Hogan's budget is taking us backward!

The fear tactics began before the ink was dry on a budget that spends less than taxpayers sent us, increases state spending $400 million, increases education funding by $45 million (to a record high) and still eradicates an $800 million deficit. House Speaker Michael E. Busch warned, "Every county in the state will get less school funding than expected. … That's a real cut." Except it isn't a real cut. Only in Annapolis is a $45 million education increase a cut. Fourteen of 24 counties will receive more education funding than last year. Baltimore County will get $21.2 million more in education funding than last year; per pupil state funding will increase from $6,419 to $6,619.



  1. Local Dems doing the same thing about Culver. The voters are smarter than that and the truly informed voters are fighting back against the Dems who destroyed this county and now want to destroy the people's choice as executive. The Republicans are revealing all the bad practices, waste and boondoggles of the Dem administrations - both local and at state level. Good riddance and go away.

  2. This is what democrats do to stay in power,don't offer solutions to anything just tax and spend on worthless social issues.

  3. The voters in Wicomico County and Maryland voted for real change but the DEMS and RINO'S are fighting it tooth and nail. It's time for the people to send messages to the ones they voted for and and remind them why we voted as we did.

  4. I didn't think it would last. Busch and Miller are two power hunger politicians. They lied through their teeth to get Ehrlich out and succeeded. Now they've got to work on Hogan.

    So creepy.

  5. Someone needs to investigate who owned all of the land that all of the motor vehicle emission inspection stations are.

  6. Of course its a cut check it out with new math.

  7. Bunch of damn Liberal Morons. If this was O'Malley's Budget there would be nothing but praise for it.

  8. What part of "we voted for change and reform) do the liberal idiots in Annapolis not understand? We voted for Hogan to make these decisions for us.

  9. I hope culver goes thru each department and sifts thru all his naysayers and nice to his face people who are true ricky p lovers and cannot get over the fact that him,norm goneaway and gary the great are no longer at the helm and they are scared stiff as cordwood that they will be next.


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