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Monday, February 16, 2015

Leaving Car Running, Unlocked And Unattended Is Against The Law

During cold weather, many people run outside, turn the car on to warm it up and then leave it idling while finishing other tasks. Maryland law prohibits leaving a car unaccompanied while it runs.

Anne Arundel County police said thieves look for tell-tale signs that a car is left unattended and that's when they move in.

"These are criminals who are trolling neighborhoods, trolling businesses, trolling gas stations looking for vehicles running. And it's really a cold-weather type of crime where they see emissions coming from the tailpipe. That's what they're looking for," Anne Arundel County police spokesman Justin Mulcahy said.



  1. Perfect once again instead of finding the criminals make a law that makes more people guilty hilarious

  2. Just regulate every little aspect of our lives!!!!!

  3. This is probably one of the worst laws I have ever seen. Has anyone seen the weather recently it's around 20 degrees and I would rather stay inside my home which is 80 degrees than out in the car where it's 20 degrees when going somewhere.

  4. Love that remote start!!! Must hit lock button twice then hit auto-start its a fantastic little invention winter and summer!!!

  5. Yeah we don't need a law that addresses common sense!

  6. Is it still illegal to take something that is not yours? or is my running, unlocked, unattended car sitting in my driveway now considered abandoned property?

    How about Aunt Bee's pies cooling on the windowsill? Because some one steals one and the police are called is Aunt Bee now a criminal? No. Its the same thing.

    Are the police upset about having to do their job? Sounds like the peasants need more learnin, and this time they will beat it into our thick skulls.

  7. I often see a law enforcement officer leave his patrol car running when he goes in a store. If I borrow his car for a ride, will he be charged?

  8. Cops can do what they want, leave car running, talk and text on cell phone, speed, etc.they are gods in their minds. Wake up Sheriff Lewis and Chief Duncan rein them in. public despise LE arrogance and power trips.

  9. Lets face one fact here: Police CANNOT regulate what you do on your own property with your vehicle. If you so choose to start it up and leave it unattended, the police CANNOT tell you or charge you with any offense. There is no "traffic" rules on your own property duh

  10. 1035 is correct... And people, I know you all hate cops, but get over it... Cops don't write legislation...

  11. The law probably came about due to a frequent occurrence of vehicles being stolen while running, unlocked and unattended. In my opinion if you car gets stolen under those circumstances insurance shouldn't cover you.

  12. And if you don't have remote, use a second key that you can lock the car with from outside while it's running.

  13. 8:23am- It's 80 degrees in your house? I'd hate to have your electric bill!

  14. Some of us want our vehicle to be stolen.I leave keys in the ignition with a battery operated flashing light keychain that draws attention to any potential thief walking by my house.Weather permitting I also leave my windows rolled down.I would be in awe of any thief who could start my car and drive away with it,because I haven't been able to get it started for months.

  15. This law has been around at least 20 years, and does not apply to cars in your own driveway. Only if it is left running in the roadway.


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