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Saturday, February 07, 2015

Lawmakers seek to give Latinos bigger voice in Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Members of a new Maryland Latino Legislative Caucus want to give Latinos a greater voice in Annapolis.

Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez said Thursday that Latinos have been invisible for too long in many aspects of state government. The Montgomery County Democrat says the caucus will help change that.

As an example, she says Maryland has had a language access law since 2002. But, she says, many state agencies have yet to implement language access in Spanish. For instance, she noted a state website that described vaccination requirements for students only in English.



  1. ahhhhhh, No Comprendeeeeeee

  2. If they live in Maryland (legally) they are already represented by their local delegates or Senators, just like the rest of us.
    We Germans don't have special representation, but we do just fine..

    (PS-- This is America. Learn the language.)

  3. Look you want to be in america..LEARN ENGLISH...bad enough the middleclass is carrying your sorry criminals famlies...

  4. This drives us bananas. What other country would you move to & insist they change the language for you? If you come here to our country, learn our language! That simple. This country has bent over backwards for no other race, but we are for those who are here illegally in vast numbers!

  5. Larry Hogan and the Eastern Shore Delegation:

    This BS should be stopped in its tracks -- NOW!

  6. Lol.. don't the Republicans have a Hispanic campaigning for president

  7. I am sick and tired of these race baiting caucuses.

    Black mans caucus of the general assembly and now the South of the Border Caucus.

    I think it's time to start a White American Caucus in the GA.


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