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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Laid Off IT Workers Must Train Foreign Replacements

Information technology workers at Southern California Edison (SCE) are being laid off and replaced by workers from India. Some employees are training their H-1B visa holding replacements, and many have already lost their jobs.

The employees are upset and say they can't understand how H-1B guest workers can be used to replace them.

The IT organization's "transition effort" is expected to result in about 400 layoffs, with "another 100 or so employees leaving voluntarily," SCE said in a statement. The "transition," which began in August, will be completed by the end of March, the company said.

"They are bringing in people with a couple of years' experience to replace us and then we have to train them," said one longtime IT worker. "It's demoralizing and in a way I kind of felt betrayed by the company."

SCE, Southern California's largest utility, has confirmed the layoffs and the hiring of Infosys, based in Bangalore, and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in Mumbai. They are two of the largest users of H-1B visas.

More here


  1. This is how unions start

  2. Even more terrorist funneling possibilities.

  3. I would say to these people, "you're getting what you voted for".....

  4. I'll be damned if I would train them, I'd walk out first.

  5. I have worked in IT for over 20 years. This happen to a company I worked for back in the 90's. I found another position instead of training others but it wasn't long before the company realized what a failure it was. 3 years later they were hiring US based workers again. My concern is that this is utility company using foreign born workers. Sounds like the power will be going out soon in Southern California.


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