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Friday, February 13, 2015

Karl Rove: Obama's View of World Is 'Startling and Disturbing'

The president is starting to let his "inner progressive" come out when it comes to foreign policy, veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove says in a Wednesday column for The Wall Street Journal, and his inner convictions are "startling and disturbing."

"This is a president who refuses to let the words 'radical Islam' (or a variation of that phrase) pass his lips," Rove said of President Barack Obama's strategies and statements as he enters the final two years of his presidency.

For example, said Rove, Obama on Feb. 1 told CNN's Fareed Zakaria that leaders must avoid the suggestion that terrorist networks like the Islamic State militants or al-Qaida are "are an existential threat to the United States or the world order."


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