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Saturday, February 07, 2015

Jordan's King Abdullah to Personally Lead Airstrikes on ISIS?

Jordan's King Abdullah was reported by some Arabic-language news outlets to be personally leading airstrikes against Islamic State militants, however those reports were in question on Thursday.

"The Jordanian King Abdullah II will participate personally on Thursday in conducting air strikes against the shelters of the terrorist ISIL organization to revenge the execution of the Jordanian pilot [First Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh] by the ISIL," said one IraqiNews report published Wednesday.

Abdullah is a seasoned fighter pilot trained in part at the U.K.'s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, so it was unclear if the report of his personal involvement was to be interpreted as him flying a plane, commanding the fleet, or both.

More here


  1. Bet our "leader" wouldn't have a big enough pair to do that.

  2. love it while GAY Obama baths in the transvestite tub with other Eastern Shore Democrats...

  3. He doesn't even have a big enough pair to give the Jordanians what they need to do what we should be doing.

  4. unfortunately President Jarrett has no training as a pilot and Obama, the golf czar, was of course, you guessed it; golfing.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do you??

    February 7, 2015 at 4:00 PM

    Do you have anything relevant to bring to the conversation or just more of the blind obedience to a fake?

  6. None of our leaders even have their kids over there.... (I'm sure there are some but lets face it...nit many politicians sons or rich kids fight wars


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