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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jon Stewart announces he is leaving The Daily Show

Jon Stewart has announced he is stepping down from his job at The Daily Show.

The popular host, who began working on the Comedy Central news program in January 1999, made the announcement at a taping of his show on Tuesday.

He will leave at the end of this year, most likely when his contract expires in the Fall.

'Seventeen years is the longest I have ever in my life held a job by sixteen years and five months. The upshot there being I am a terrible employee. In my heart I know it is time for someone else to have that opportunity,' said Stewart.



  1. 11:27
    Someone sounds butthurt

  2. Going to miss him for pointing out the relentless hypocrisy in the media and politics.

  3. a great show that will have a difficult time replacing a gifted and intelligent guy

  4. 11:27 is one of those closed-minded people who is 100% confident that their opinion is the only right one, the only one who matters...

    "When everyone else looks like the idiot to you, typically, it's you who are the idiot" ~Abraham Lincoln, 2013

  5. 2:13 I thought Martin Lawrence said that in 1887? I could be wrong.

  6. According to the BBC, he was forced to resign over questioning he did with OBAMA over his policies and the Iraq war. Apparently she pissed some people off and now it is pay back time. Can't cross the Government/corporate controlled media!


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