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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Jesse Ventura Reveals the Reason He Refuses to See ‘American Sniper’ — It’s Going to Spark Some Anger

MINNEAPOLIS (TheBlaze/AP) — “American Sniper” is tops at the box office but don’t expect to see former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura lining up at a theater for it.

Ventura, a former Navy SEAL, won $1.8 million in a defamation lawsuit last year against the estate of the late Chris Kyle, the SEAL protagonist of the movie, which has sparked debate over whether snipers should be considered heroes. Ventura said Wednesday he won’t see the film partly because Kyle is no hero to him.

“A hero must be honorable, must have honor. And you can’t have honor if you’re a liar. There is no honor in lying,” Ventura told The Associated Press from his winter home in Baja California, Mexico. He also noted that the movie isn’t playing there.



  1. A fellow Seal dissing on another Seal is one of the biggest screw up that I can imagine. The brotherhood deserves and expects more than that. What ever his beef is..... Should have been handled in private.....or better yet....taken to his grave

  2. Dead Seal has a widow and young children, this man saved countless lives, and this ass Ventura is looking for sympathy for himself? Stay classy Jesse!

  3. 9:43 then don't tell lies about a person so you can sell a book.

  4. 7:05 It's a he said, she said... you don't know that it was a lie. There was no proof either way, so the crazy man won the civil suit. Besides, do you really think adding a story about fighting that ape would ad to his book sales? He didn't even name him in the book. Ventura is a POS, he was in the wrestling world, which should tell you how delusional he is.

  5. Neither of these individuals are heroes or respectable.

  6. The Seals long ago dismissed this wacko from their Brotherhood! Publicity hound, Oh look at me.

  7. Just another hustler looking for an easy buck at somebody else's expense..

  8. Before this happened I liked Jesse as a person,but not now.

  9. maybe they should also include a manual with every movie goer ticket so that we can all become snipers. Looks easy.

  10. ...the funny part being Jesse has lied about his military service for 40 years.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:05 It's a he said, she said... you don't know that it was a lie. There was no proof either way, so the crazy man won the civil suit. Besides, do you really think adding a story about fighting that ape would ad to his book sales? He didn't even name him in the book. Ventura is a POS, he was in the wrestling world, which should tell you how delusional he is.

    January 29, 2015 at 7:34 AM

    A federal judge and JURY said there was substantial evidence. The chapter about Jesse was re-written 3x and at least one of them named him as Jesse.

    Most judge this guy because of their emotions and ignorance. The facts are in plain sight, but no one bothers to read or accept them.

    Kyle was a confirmed liar. This is one he got caught at and had to pay for.

    The truth is a hard pill to swallow for some people. But it is still the truth.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ...the funny part being Jesse has lied about his military service for 40 years.

    January 29, 2015 at 9:02 AM

    what did he lie about?

  13. Ventura has proven himself to be unpatriotic and a coward, period!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ventura has proven himself to be unpatriotic and a coward, period!

    February 1, 2015 at 1:46 PM

    you're full of it. His actions are the very definition of a patriot and a brave man.

    Could YOU stand up against so many haters and continue on to PROVE the truth and clear your name?

    I highly doubt it.

    But you do seem to be very good at following the crowds.

    I would rather walk alone in truth than walk with a crowd going the wrong way.

    That is what Jesse has done. These type of men are very, very rare these days.

    Your kind? A PENNY a dozen.


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