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Friday, February 06, 2015

ISIS 'selling children for sex and making them into suicide bombers'

ISIS militants are selling abducted Iraqi children at markets as sex slaves, using them as suicide bombers and killing others by crucifixion or burying them alive, a watchdog has said.

The children, who are often from the Yazidi sect or Christian communities, but also Shi'ites and Sunnis, are being tortured and murdered, the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child said.

A report released on Wednesday revealed a host of horrifying outcomes for the children kidnapped by the Islamic militants, including boys under-18 being used as bomb makers, informants or human shields to protect facilities against U.S.-led airstrikes.



  1. Nice friends our administration has.

  2. and yet Omaba is playing golf. kinda like Nero while Rome burned.

  3. Islam is the kingdom of satan....Allah is Lucifer professing to be the God of Abraham..twisted evil satan worshippers..

  4. I cannot read this crap..but it would not surprise me if the headline is truth.

  5. The religion of Satan.

    No other possibility.


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