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Friday, February 06, 2015

IRS knowingly rehired tax cheats, other employees with ‘performance’ issues

The IRS rehired hundreds of employees who had prior records of bad performance at the agency, including 141 former workers who had botched their own tax returns and others who had used their positions to peek at private tax information, the agency’s inspector general said in a report released Thursday.

Five IRS employees were rehired even though the agency knew they had intentionally failed to file their taxes within the last two years, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George said. Of the employees with prior problems, nearly 20 percent of them had more problems after they were rehired.

In another instance, an employee who has taken eight weeks of unauthorized vacation and whose previous manager had written a note explicitly stating “do not rehire,” was nonetheless rehired.



  1. Being a scumbag is a plus, oh, and also hating the Tea Party.

  2. We elected a bunch of these guys too!

  3. Most of Obama's cabinet owe taxes from years ago and have no intention of paying them.


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