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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Iran Claims It Has Proof Bin Laden Died Long Before US Raid

(ANTIMEDIA) Iran has claimed that the honored U.S. raid on the compound in Abbottabad did not result in the death of Osama Bin Laden. Although this rumor has circulated ever since President Obama declared to the world “we got him” back in 2011, Iran maintains it has evidence that would prove the narrative surrounding Bin Laden’s death to be fictitious.

“We have credible information that Bin Laden died some time ago of a disease,” Iranian Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi stated in a cabinet meeting. “If the US military and intelligence apparatus have really arrested or killed Bin Laden, why don’t they show him [his body]? Why have they thrown his corpse into the sea?”

It has not been disclosed what proof the Iranians have – if any – to prove this claim.

Retired Pakistani lieutenant general Hamid Gul has recently made a similar allegation as well. Speaking with the Islamic Republic News Agency, the former head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) said,

“That the US claims it has killed Bin Laden is basically untrue. Bin Laden died of natural causes in 2005. The individual the US claims it has killed in 2011 in Abbottabad was not Bin Laden. The Americans are not trustworthy and their claims are not true.”



  1. Our President wouldn't lie.

  2. Iran has the same doubts Americans have. We say show us the body. Show us the pictures. We believe our government can't and won't do that because he is not dead. As Obama is a confirmed liar to the American people, HE can't be believed on this matter. It's simple, show us.

    Otherwise, it is just another lie by this administration, and Bin Laden is alive and being cared for at a secluded cell at Fort Levenworth.

  3. “If the US military and intelligence apparatus have really arrested or killed Bin Laden, why don’t they show him [his body]? Why have they thrown his corpse into the sea?”

    i've been making that point since it happened. the raid was real i'm sure, but i doubt that bin laden is actually dead.

  4. Had his body been buried the plot would be a shrine. He was buried at sea to prevent this.

  5. He's living in Vegas with Elvis and Andy Kaufman. They go to the buffets every other week.

    1. I heard tupac and biggie in Cuba.

  6. They should have buried him at Smithfield farms...the worlds largest pork producer - see the muslimes come to that shrine!

  7. Bin Laden was dying all the way back in 1998. I believe he met with CIA agents, at the time #1 most wanted by FBI, bedridden on kidney dialosis.
    If you pulled a false flag attack what better than to have everyone looking for a prime suspect who's been dead for years. Also jet fuel won't melt steel and buildings don't come down at free fall.


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