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Saturday, February 14, 2015

In Kenya, the end is nigh for northern white rhinos

This is what extinction looks like.

No meteor from outer space, no unstoppable pandemic, no heroic, ultimately futile last stand. Instead poor sperm, weak knees and ovarian cysts mark the end of a lifeline cut short by human greed, ignorance and indifference.

With just five northern white rhinos left on earth, the animal's end is inevitable.

Scientists and conservationists hope that advancements in genetics and in vitro fertilisation might allow for its test tube resurrection in the future, but before that the northern whites will die, one by one, over the next few years.



  1. Most everything white is on it's way out , including our race.

  2. not sure which is sadder, the extinction of a wonderful animal or the idiots making stupid comments

  3. Man's greed in the end will destroy everything GOD created for good.

  4. 3:18
    I had heard my Father say that many yrs ago when in his 70's. If he were alive today---he would be 106 yrs. old!!

    Oh the wisdom of our elderly!
    You are ever so right!!!

  5. Soooo True---Greed destroys!

  6. Extinction is a natural process. Many things exist in spite of man so one can not blame man for species that fail to adapt and thrive.


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