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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In case of public health emergency, Maryland would drop its religious exemption for vaccines

Parents in Maryland have the right to opt out of vaccinating their children. But those rules would go out the window if there's an emergency measles outbreak.

Maryland allows medical and religious exemptions to vaccines, but could revoke those exemptions in an emergency. Doctors would be instructed to review the medical exemptions they granted, to see if any of their patients were now healthy enough to get vaccinated. Parents who claimed a religious exemption would have to either vaccinate their children or keep them home from school. The state could require unvaccinated children to stay out of school, under quarantine, for 21 days.

Before everyone starts running for their face masks and clearing out grocery stores to prepare for home confinement, let's be clear: Maryland is not declaring an infectious disease emergency.



  1. Why wait until conditions merit an emergency?? This is just another liberal democratic way to encroach upon what is necessary for the general good health of the public, Perhaps we should create measles colonies and send the non-vaccinated children and their ignorant stupid parent to live out their dumb, stupid, ignorant, liberal democratic lives. We have the means to stop this disease and we're arguing about who to vaccinate and what to do with them. It's an easy formula, if you don't vaccinate then you need to leave and go somewhere where you will not infect others (i,e. measles colonies). Your ignorance should not jeoprdize my children, PERIOD!

  2. If you support this nonsense 9:17 then you are the libtard commie.democrat....if you let them get their foot in the door on this you can kiss parantal rights goodbye

  3. The director of the Wicomico Health Department is a lovely person with a deep spiritual connection. We are very lucky to have Dr. Cockey at the lead. He is a medical doctor of great knowledge and great moral character. He has a warm heart and I was sorry to lose him when he made the move to the Health Department but it has been for the good of the community. Knowing him as a professional doctor and warm human being I would follow his lead on all matters coming from the Health Department. Thank you Dr. Cockey.

  4. Nazi tactics. Land of the free. Only ones who need vaccines come across that border. Where all the diseases are making their come backs.


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