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Sunday, February 01, 2015

I Have A Question For ALL Of You...

What does "Week Days" mean to you?

This is by no means a trick question. Let's see how many of you are willing to respond throughout the evening.


  1. Monday through Friday

  2. Monday through Friday

  3. Monday day through Friday day.

  4. One would normally think Monday through Friday, but Saturday and Sunday are days of the week also. They are just at the end.

  5. Monday through Friday...unless you're self-employed, or work in Ocean City. Then, every day is a week day.

  6. M-F are week days. Sat and Sun are the weekend.

  7. Mn-Fri 8am to 5 pm. BTW why is this post timed at 11:59 pm?

  8. Weekday
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A weekday is any day of the week except Sunday and often also Saturday.

    "Weekday" usually means the same as workday, however in some countries with a five-day workweek, the term weekday may still retain the old meaning "all days except Sunday", from when most people worked on Saturdays.

  9. Being in retail, they are all the same.

  10. I view weekdays as Monday through Friday, however, I view week nights as Sunday night through Thursday night .

  11. has always meant Mon. - Fri.
    week-end has always been Sat. and Sunday.

  12. Monday thru Friday.

  13. Okay retail have a big sale on Wednesday and then again on Saturday and see if you get the same results.

  14. EVERYBODY missed this! Weekdays is when you are deemed working at home to do what you MIGHT have done if you actually went to the office. In other words, there are more Government workers doing nearly nothing other than changing diapers that claim a full contribution for what they don't do. It's a situation whereby NON government workers never enjoy and actually have to WORK when is there that needs to be done.

    Oh, and if you are a Union member, just show up. Nobody knows what you are doing and nobody will challenge you (therefore apply for food stamps.too).

  15. I understand "week days" to be 5 out of 7 days in the work week, which for me is usually 7 days..

  16. 7 days in a week all are weekdays

  17. I'd say Monday thru Friday and if you work retail or in a hospital or drive an ambulance you might work some week-day and some weekends. I don't think the term changes depending on which days you work. I'm retired but I still recognize week-ends.

  18. Weekdays have always been Monday through Friday in my book.

  19. A week is 7 days which consists of S, M, T, W, T, F, and S. Most people think of week days or normal business hours as being 9a-5p.

  20. 24/7 unless God declared Sat and Sun not during the week and he did not send out a memo.

  21. Monday thru Thursday are weekdays...Friday Sat, Sunday weekend. Thursday has always been the Gateway to the weekend ....

  22. Monday thru Friday !

  23. It's how you apply the term of a weekday. I would also define a weekday as Monday via Friday; however in instances a weekday is defined as Monday via Saturday.

  24. Sunday through Saturday, a traditional week of 7 days.

  25. It used to mean what your boss said it means.

  26. The week days (2 words) are all the days-M, T, W, T, F, S, S.
    The weekdays (1 word) are M-F and S-S are the weekend.

  27. I don't know if there is a correct answer to this question. As it can be interpreted in many ways, depending on each individuals situations.

  28. Monday thru Friday are weekdays. Saturday and Sundays are weekends.

  29. Well that depends on who you are apparently. The city of Salisbury considers Saturday to be a weekday, yet their offices are all closed. It also depends on which contractors have greased the folks that make the decision.

  30. m-f by five are week days to me. sat and sun are weekends (day or night). i would like to hear the technically correct answer , just out of curiosity.

  31. @ 6:43 .....I bet you work for the city.

  32. Monday through Friday...check and see when all government offices are open

  33. This does not change depending on your situation. Weekdays does not mean work-days. Many people work 6 days per week many services require people to be working 24/7. A person who works Sat thru Wednesday does not redefine weekday to mean the days he works. I see from the complaint about construction why the question was posed but even in that story the only people including Saturday in weekdays were apparently doing so to benefit either the city or a company and thus had an agenda beyond law and reason.


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