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Thursday, February 12, 2015

How much Phosphorus and Nitrogen are in a ton of Poultry litter?


  1. Exactly why the PMT legislation is a joke. Ignore what really causes the issues of the Bay, and go after false flags. Do they, the CBF, REALLY want the Bay cleaned up? Or do they want to tap dance around the real issues, so it stays in a volatile state to ensure their funding handouts? Hmmmm, my money is on the 2nd choice.

  2. Not so sure about this. My experience with poultry manure over the last 30 years is that the phosphorus content usually runs about 1%. Nitrogen is very hard to quantify as it might run 3% immediately after removal from the house but degrades significantly depending on how it is stored. Nitrogen is very volatile and evaporates easily.

  3. EPA and all the little epa's GO AWAY and never come back again. you're deceivers, liars and have become irrelevant. you have no credibility. this is just like "global warming". I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm sick of this junk science and all the lies that come with it.


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