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Saturday, February 07, 2015


I know people have been having a difficult time finding pellets. Home Depot on Salisbury just received a truck load and I paid $249.00 for a skid. 

They do sell them by the bag as well. I heard Farmers and Planters is only selling 5 bags a day to customers or 20 bags a week. 

As for the quality, after several years of running a pellet stove I can tell you some of the best pellets I've ever used came from Farmers and Planters. When they couldn't sell me a skid I went ahead and bought a skid from Home Depot and couldn't believe how great a quality they were. 

At $249.00 per ton, it's a great deal but I wouldn't expect this truck load to last past tomorrow. So get on the ball, (if you need pellets) before they're gone. 


  1. Stop driving cars that creates Climate Change and the winters will not be cold...

  2. 501, First, there was an ice age. Then, winters have been cold ever since!

  3. Try Survival Prodocts on Rt 13 in Salisbury. They have plenty of pellets!

  4. Since we're on the topic what size home do you heat with your pellet stove, what temp do you keep your home at and how many bags do you burn in a year such as the one we are in presently. THANKS!

  5. For me personally we heat a 3,500 Sq ft home at 70 degrees 24 hours a day and burn one bag of pellets a day. We keep ours going by putting it on 90 degrees and it never turns off. I have owned a lot of homes in my time and this has to be the best way to heat a home I have ever experienced.

  6. This is why we try to buy 3/4 ton in the late spring so that we wont run short or out. It's been the best heat for us.


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