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Monday, February 23, 2015

Here’s the Group of Criminals Obama Is Meeting With in the Oval Office

Barack Obama just showed exactly what he thinks about America’s laws. The president recently invited six young young people to meet with him in the Oval Office. That wouldn’t normally be an issue. There’s one problem: All six people entered the United States illegally.

Those illegal aliens fall under Obama’s controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which essentially ignores the law and allows certain people to avoid deportation, even though they blatantly broke the law and entered illegally.

Predictably, the Obama administration tried to put a positive spin on the fact that the president was hosting lawbreakers in the Oval Office.

“The meeting is an opportunity for the President to hear directly from young immigrants whose lives have been positively affected as a result of receiving deferred action or DACA,” said the White House.

Yes, those illegal immigrants have had their lives “positively affected” by getting away with breaking the law. Of course, a bank robber could say the same thing, but it’s still illegal.



  1. Birds of a feather!

  2. Hey, here's an idea. Let's all prove how super cool and politically correct we are by putting an African American in the whitehouse. Don't worry about silly little details such as him not being qualified, having no legislative or executive experience whatsoever. Instead, let's all fawn over his bullsh*t rhetoric and "yes we can speeches" then watch him lie to those who voted for and trusted in him as he pisses on the constitution and turns this country into a welfare state, a refuge for terrorists and before long, the laughing stock of the world. Shame on all of you that thought voting for him would make you "cool".
    I don't care that he's black. I care that he's a pathological liar. That he's in bed with those that would seek to destroy us and that he sends our sons and daughters to die cleaning up after his limp wristed policies.

    1. Very well said.
      JOE....Hire this poster!!!

  3. BAM!! 7:45....BAM!!
    Pip, pip and all that, too.
    On the negative side, you just made the "domestic terror watch list" for about a dozen Nazi agencies.
    Keep your guns loaded.

  4. why not have them there Eric Holder has been there many times and he is ten times worse.It never ends with this friggin obama, when will democrats wake up and admit they have been conned by an america hating thug.

  5. 7:45... THANK YOU!!


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