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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Governor Hogan Issues Executive Order on Judicial Nominating Commissions

ANNAPOLIS, MD  – Governor Larry Hogan today issued Executive Order 01.01.2015.09 concerning judicial nominating commissions. The order rescinds Executive Order 01.01.2008.04 and states that the process from which a judicial appointment is made by the Governor must be respected, be free from political influence, and be beyond reproach. The new order also states that the appointment of persons to the judiciary from a diversity of backgrounds enhances the quality of justice dispensed by the State’s courts and encourages respect for the law and the courts.

"Judicial commission appointments will be made in a transparent manner, under the highest possible ethical standards while also embracing diversity,” stated Governor Hogan. “Good government and the integrity of the judiciary is not a privilege. It is the right of every Marylander.”

Executive Order 01.01.2015.09 can be viewed in its entirety by visitingwww.governor.maryland.gov/EO0101201509.pdf


  1. This govenor is off to a good start,all marylanders will benefit.

  2. It's a shame he can't rescind previous appointments


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