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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Fredericksen Wants To Punish YOU And Your Kids Over Governor Hogan's New Proposal

This snake never gives up. He, (like most Liberals) will do just about ANYTHING to get his way but this time he's met his match. 

Calendar B would begin school on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and end the year on Monday, June 20.

The above is what Fredericksen is proposing. Now, let's look at last year. Last year we had TEN snow days that had to be made up. Do the math from above. IF that were the case again this year, (under Fredericksen's proposal) your kids would be getting out of school right around the 4th of July!

I strongly suggest you click on more and study what we have already provided and YES, YOU should contacts your elected officials about this matter. 

Larry Hogan is now on board and signs the petition initiated by Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot and former Governor Martin O'Malley. This will benefit families with more quality family time during the Summer and an extra week or so to spend time in Ocean City or anywhere in Maryland. It will also benefit Economic Development by having families spend more time and money in Ocean City or another vacation in Maryland. Ocean City benefits from it because more high school students will be able to work longer thus allowing more local people to work longer during the Summer. The purpose of the Post-Labor Day initiative is not just having school start the Tuesday after Labor Day but to give students an extra week or so of Summer vacation which will more than likely allow families to spend more time in vacation spots all the while spending money and stimulating then economy. Even if more families from Baltimore are visiting Ocean City during this time many of them will be stopping by Salisbury and Wicomico County spending money. They will be stopping by WalMart picking up some additional needed supplies for their vacations or stopping by the restaurants for a quick bite to eat. Many of the families will be stopping by the gas stations to fuel up or for a bathroom break. Many times this leads to more spending all the while stimulating the economy. 

This is a great idea by many people in Wicomico County except for one person. Superintendent John Fredericksen is against this idea and has been adamantly against it since Peter Franchot initiated it two years ago. So now he is posting a quick survey on the WCBOE website which is sort of like a Bait and Switch tactic. He offers 2 options, to start after Labor Day or to stay the same way it is now by starting on August 24th, two weeks before labor day. So for the ones that want to start post-Labor Day they will have to end the school year on June 20th. Three weeks into the Summer is not the intent of the post Labor Day starting date. He is tricking the parents because he knows they don't want to end school in late June so they will vote for the option of starting school in late August. But if the parents claim to support starting school post Labor Day they won't be getting an extra week of Summer vacation because John Fredericksen doesn't want to change the way he runs the school system.

Here is the link that many of the parents won't go to, but if they do they will be tricked into keeping things the way John Fredericksen wants them. He is also giving parents a short deadline to submit their comments to him. " Please submit any comments or suggestions by Feb. 1 by taking the online survey, or by contacting either  comments@wcboe.org  or 410-677-5251." I believe he includes the Delegates and Senators contact information thinking they will call them to not support the post-Labor Day starting date. 

The Wicomico County Board of Education is seeking input as it builds a calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. Two different draft calendars showing pre- and post-Labor Day starts have been drafted in order to gather feedback prior to Board votes at the February 10 and March 10 Board meetings.
The two draft calendars, along with information about the calendar development process and ways to comment on the calendars, can be found at left on this page, or on the www.wcboe.org home page by clicking on the Calendar button.
Calendar A would begin school on Monday, Aug. 24, and end the year on Monday, June 6.
Calendar B would begin school on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and end the year on Monday, June 20.
Please submit any comments or suggestions by Feb. 1 by taking the online survey, or by contacting either comments@wcboe.org or 410-677-5251.
Wicomico has started school on the fourth Monday in August for a number of years to give students as much instructional time as possible before the start of testing. However, there is ongoing discussion at the state level about potentially mandating a post-Labor Day start for all Maryland school systems. (Currently each school system determines its own starting date; Worcester County this year chose to start school after Labor Day based on community input.)
With that discussion in mind, two 2015-2016 draft calendars have been prepared for Wicomico Schools. The greatest difference between the two calendars is the dates for the start and end of the school year. Calendar A would begin Aug. 24 and end on June 6. Calendar B would start the school year Sept. 8, after Labor Day, and end on June 20. In 2015, Labor Day occurs on its latest possible date, which would mean a longer summer break in 2015 but a shorter one in 2016 if school begins after Labor Day.

Feedback on a mandatory post-Labor Day start for all Maryland school systems should be shared with state senators and delegates, as the topic is expected to be discussed during the 2015 General Assembly session that began this week.
Sen. Adelaide C. Eckardt (R), District 37, adelaide.eckardt@senate.state.md.us, 410-841-3590
Del. Sheree Sample-Hughes (D), District 37A,sheree.sample.hughes@house.state.md.us, 410-841-3427
Del. Christopher T. Adams (R), District 37B,christopher.adams@house.state.md.us, 410-841-3343
Del. Johnny Mautz (R), District 37B, johnny.mautz@house.state.md.us, 410-841-3429
Sen. James N. Mathias, Jr. (D), District 38, james.mathias@senate.state.md.us, 410-841-3645
Del. Carl L. Anderton, Jr. (R), District 38B, carl.anderton@house.state.md.us, 410-841-3431
Del. Mary Beth Carozza (R), District 38C, mary.beth.carozza@house.state.md.us, 410-841-3433

Please note that the draft 2015-2016 school calendars take into account the following: 
  • The school calendar must include a minimum of 180 days of instruction.
  • Families and staff members have consistently supported two full weeks off for the winter break, whenever possible; both draft calendars provide that.
  • Wicomico teachers, by contract, work 190 days. The 10 days that teachers do not have students are professional development days or record management days. Four of the 10 days take place prior to the opening of the school year, and one day is scheduled for teachers after students leave for the summer.
  • Schools must be closed at the following times, in accordance with COMAR (Code of Maryland): Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, from Dec. 24 through Jan. 1, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, Presidents Day, Good Friday, the Monday after Easter, and Memorial Day. Additionally, Wicomico schools must be closed when there is a Primary or General Election; a Presidential Primary Election is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5.
  • Makeup days, if needed, will be scheduled in accordance with Board of Education policy. Makeup days may occur on professional days, on a holiday break day, or at the end of the school year, or lost school time may be made up through extending the instructional day, holding school on Saturday, or requesting a state waiver for some missed days.


  1. I think they should go to school year round!

  2. I could care less, my last kid will be graduating---May 27th... On to college!

  3. I don't understand...how is this sneaky? If you start on Sept 8, 180 days later is June 20. What am I missing?

  4. If forced to give folks a voice, there will always be an angle to make them choose what has already been decided for them. Starting school before Labor Day benefits kids who will do poorly on state tests; starting later gives hard working kids more time to earn money from their summer employment. Which group always has the board of ed's support?

  5. YOU go JOE! Cut that SNAKE head off with a shovel! We don't CARE how many PhD PAPERS you have, FREDRICKSONS!!

  6. A later opening benefits kids who work during the summer and often get paid well to stay on the job during the week before Labor Day. An earlier opening benefits kids who will do very poorly on state tests, and five days more of instruction in August is thought to make a difference. One of those groups is ALWAYS the priority.

  7. Fredrickson you and Ireton will be looking for a new job come this fall, tick tock you old bastard.

  8. And why can't the teachers work during an election, Martin Luther King's birthday, President's day, Good Friday, or the Monday after Easter, just like people with jobs in the private sector.

  9. I know Fredrickson is watching this post so Pack your Bags fool.

  10. Each county has the power to set their own start dates. Worcester reluctantly changed last year to a post Labor Day start. We don't need more mandates from the state...let local government and boards carry out the will of their folks...not some damn attention stunt by Franchot and Mathias. You want Wicomico to change? Go to the School Board and pressure the Executive and Council...and be damn careful what you wish for...but please keep the state out of our lives!

  11. 10:12, Here's what you are missing. I said in the original post, last year they had TEN snow days. When you tack those days on to the end of what Fredericksen is proposing the kids won't get out of school until around July 4th. Are you OK with that???

  12. Starting before Labor Day was to have been a pilot program in Wicomico County. When Mrs. Wright was president of the board, she asked about when the pilot would be evaluated. That was years ago. Nothing.

  13. Mr. Albero, If you want to start with the later date, what days would you cut so that they don't have to go so late in June if there are snow days?

  14. Aren't professional days mandated by law? Which days would you cut that you actually would be able to cut?

  15. I say cut all the religious holidays. Easter, Christmas. Why two weeks off at Christmas? Do you want time off in August or December? That's the real issue. You want your cake and eat it too

  16. 11:48, CHANGE THE LAW.

    Do YOU get professional days off and at least two months off in the summer?

    Come on now, stop trying to defend or argue here. The liberal system needs to change. Show me what the government does for CONSERVATIVES?

  17. I'm not trying to defend or argue. Just looking for a realistic plan that would accommodate the later start date. You can say change the law, but that will hardly happen in time to affect this decision. So again, what days could you/would you eliminate?

  18. Yes, Joe, get rid of those darn professional days. I'm sure there are a couple of holidays they could cut out, also.

  19. If parents are notified enough in advance (published on the calendar almost a year in advance), professional days could begin at 1:00 and still count as a day of school. Surely parents could make arrangements for child care in October, January and March if they had many months' notice. There are already five professional days in August before kids come back.

  20. Will changing the start date help conservatives? Now that's funny.

  21. Speaking of professional days, ask what elementary principals did Monday afternoon.

  22. I love how people say cut things that can't be cut. Also cut "some of those holidays." Well, which ones? Christmas? Easter? MLK?

  23. 12:05, Why not cut Easter Break and Christmas Break????

    Are you suggesting it would create any sort of hardship on ANY Family if you did cut a good seven or more days from those breaks?

  24. 12:05 here. I totally agree. Cut days at Christmas and Easter. They all are not necessary. Only thing I was suggesting is that most people will cry like babies if you tried it.

  25. Christmas holidays is too long,

  26. Christmas holiday is long. Make prof. days half days during the school year and whole days in August. Problem is that schools are seen as babysitters. No matter how much notice folks are given, they want their kids in school all day and for hours after school if the county will pay for it.

  27. What's the big deal? We're talking about starting 1 week later and ending 1 week later. Look at PA, NJ, NY, CT, MA and many others. They all start after Labor Day.

  28. I used to attend school on MLK and President's day. That's when we learned more about them! But these 1 and 2 professional days each month usually following a Friday off so they all have a 4 day weekend is ridiculous. And don't bitch that I don't understand, my Aunt was an amazingly dedicated teacher for 35 years. Start the day after Labor day, shorten the Holiday breaks by a few days and cut out these professional days. Problem solved. Gosh forbid we go back to the way it used to actually work.

  29. Those summer days are going to be early dismissal from the heat. The kids aren't going to learn much.

    Cut a week off winter break - just offer Christmas through New Year. Do Christmas Eve or Jan 2 if they fall on Monday or Friday.

    Give Easter Monday off.

    Pull a couple early dismissals for teacher professional days. Give 'em a few full days around the end of marking periods to help them get caught up.

    This should make it possible to get out the 2nd week of June. And I imagine that lots of parents will find this more convenient if they will have less school determined vacation days that they have to lose.

  30. Starting before Labor Day is to give a few more days of school before state testing in the spring. That is not done to help average and above average students. We didn't have to switch from No Child Left Behind to Common Core to help those kids either. Discipline penalties weren't "relaxed" to help them either. Don't expect that to change.

  31. Snow days? THere is no such thing as a snow day...just no bus service. On the snow days now, by 9:30 they are all sledding at the Elks Club or showing up at the Mall by 11:00. How did they get there?

  32. Get rid of all the Damn professional days and they wouldn't have to go to school so late into the year. They also get every damn holiday and shut down for extended times during Christmas (winter holidays) and Easter (spring break)

  33. Anonymous said...
    I don't understand...how is this sneaky? If you start on Sept 8, 180 days later is June 20. What am I missing?

    January 30, 2015 at 10:12 AM

    Last year there were 10 snow days. Same could happen this year easily. You do the math dummy. Dr. Fredericksen is known to cancel school before it even starts to snow then kids have to go to school way into the Summer when it is hot. Then he wants the parents to complain that it is to hot in the schools and then he will want the county to build new schools. The whole month of June will be shot.

  34. Anonymous said...
    A later opening benefits kids who work during the summer and often get paid well to stay on the job during the week before Labor Day. An earlier opening benefits kids who will do very poorly on state tests, and five days more of instruction in August is thought to make a difference. One of those groups is ALWAYS the priority.

    January 30, 2015 at 10:37 AM

    So you are saying we need to teach the test? You're an idiot!!

    The last two weeks of school are nothing but fun and games. Field trips to Jolly Rogers and Busch Gardens. No instruction is done. The seniors are always let out early anyway.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Double down larry.

    January 30, 2015 at 10:13 AM

    Thank you!! That is why we elected him. He always looks out for the people.

  36. I'm surprised no one else has suggested school on Saturdays. That's a weekday per the city of 'Bury.

  37. Hopefully, the elected school board bill will pass - then we can regain control here on the shore from the liberal Annapaholes.....

    By Freddie Freeloader!

  38. 1:56
    I was not saying it's wise to teach to the test nor am I an idiot. I was saying that additional instruction before spring testing was the reason given to open schools before Labor Day. Just ask at the board of ed. if you have doubts.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Get rid of all the Damn professional days and they wouldn't have to go to school so late into the year. They also get every damn holiday and shut down for extended times during Christmas (winter holidays) and Easter (spring break)

    January 30, 2015 at 1:49 PM

    I agree get rid of the professional days.

  40. Calendar B
    The end date can be sooner than 6/20 by reducing the number of days off during Winter break. Winter break can begin 12/23. The Professional Day on 2/29 should be a school day with Professional Day moved to the day after school ends. This would make the last day for students 6/15 - with 6/13, 6/14, & 6/15 half days for students.
    The end date can be sooner than 6/20 by reducing the number of days off during Winter break. Winter break can begin 12/23. The Professional Day on 2/29 should be a school day with Professional Day moved to the day after school ends. This would make the last day for students 6/15 - with 6/13, 6/14, & 6/15 half days for students.

  41. When a county spends all of its money and resources on at risk kids, it is hardly necessary for administrators to spend 1/2 professional day at their salaries in an activity about poverty in Missouri. Everyone understands only one group of kids matters. We get it.

  42. Professinal days are bullshit...nothing but administrators flexing their muscles...by the way, if you think teaching is a breeze...stop having an income for 4 years...then pay sky high tuition and book rates...then work for nothing for 4 months, pass a series of standardized tests, and then work your first2 years under the threat of being fired for two years...then we will talk--when you have it made!!!!

  43. there is nothing professional about professional days--total bs by the board--they don't even plan them anymore: they make teachers come up with the content of professional days--these people are total idiots.

  44. We vote for post labor day and reducing professional days.

  45. This guy is beyond bad...yet there he is...raking in nearly 200k a year...what's up people???

  46. If you want another example, check out the joke at WWcc--President hoy bringing in well over 200k a year for running a--by all accounts, an abysmal operation...lousy teachers, no accountability, empty classrooms,even the dullest 12th grader knows wwcc is a joke

  47. there was a revolution in France years ago (when people had balls)--it didn't turn out so well. There was a revolution here, that did turn out well (when people had balls--see "John Hancock"--we need a revolution here, but apparently nobody has the balls-- so here we are, complaining about the same thing over and over again--no change--I guess we are getting what we deserve--Dr. Freddie walking over all of us, at the expense of the next generation...that is a sad legacy we a leaving...

  48. I agree with 6:24pm and 6:19 pm. Teachers tell me on their "professional days" ...they never show up. They just take the day off. Our tax payers money! They are NOT held accountable for professional days. That is TAX PAYER THEFT!! It's stealing!! Lieing on their time card. It stealing company,county time!

  49. Check out home prices in Wicomico County!!!--Board of Education and WWcc--nobody wants to live in this crap-hole!!!

  50. Thanks to Hoy, Capelli, and Frederickson, house values in this county have plummeted...Nice job boys!!! Glad your making 200K + for allowing this place to continue to be a sh-- hole! Where will you move once you retire. so to speak???

  51. Hoy has tried to leave twice for more $$$ both times, he got shot down..."It's all about the students." Yeah, right. What a POS!

  52. How about a professional day that has something to do with teaching kids who are on grade level or above? Does every single thought have to be about those who are below? Students with the most potential get almost no teacher time and definitely as few minutes in challenging courses as can be manipulated.

  53. State law does not let the school year go beyond June 30th.

    And, the BOE didn't create the start date proposal and either did Hogan. You can thank money bags Mathias for that!

  54. Starting later only benefits the kids working for one year. When they get out on June 30th, they will have missed 3 weeks of work. It's a wash in the end!

  55. Jump in a--holes--get a job teaching...there's nothing to it...hello? where are you? Lead from the front people...

  56. Lower life forms reproduce more quickly...intelligent life forms plan ahead...any questions???

  57. Let's make more money for the business owners in OC! The Phillips family needs to hire indentured students from foreign countries so they can pay then nothing in order to make the payments on their 25 million dollar houses...most of the kids they hire go home broke!

  58. I agree with getting rid of professional days unless they can be held after a student "full" day. And, the 3 half days at the end of the year are a waste of bus fuel and time. Where is that "half day" in the 180 days? It doesn't say 179.5 or 180.5 days, so what is that?

    Christmas eve and New year's day only if falling on weekdays (when County offices are closed).

    Tighten up the ship, and it all comes together.

    Want to really make it work? Make school teach real stuff that 8th graders from our past knew on graduation! That will challenge most teachers as THEY don't know this stuff!

    1895 8th Grade Final Exam
    What it took to get an 8th grade education in 1895...

    Remember when grandparents and great-grandparents stated that they only had an 8th grade education? Well, check this out. Could any of us have passed the 8th grade in 1895?

    This is the eighth-grade final exam from 1895 in Salina , Kansas , USA .. It was taken from the original document on file at the Smokey Valley Genealogical Society and Library in Salina , and reprinted by the Salina Journal..
    8th Grade Final Exam:
    Salina , KS - 1895
    Grammar (Time, one hour)
    1. Give nine rules for the use of capital letters.
    2. Name the parts of speech and define those that have no modifications
    3. Define verse, stanza and paragraph.
    4. What are the principal parts of a verb? Give principal parts of 'lie,' 'play,' and 'run'.
    5. Define case; illustrate each case.
    6 What is punctuation? Give rules for principal marks of punctuation.
    7 - 10. Write a composition of about 150 words and show therein that you understand the practical use of the rules of grammar.
    Arithmetic (Time,1 hour 15 minutes)
    1. Name and define the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic.
    2. A wagon box is 2 ft. Deep, 10 feet Long, and 3 ft. Wide. How many bushels of wheat will it hold?
    3. If a load of wheat weighs 3,942 lbs, what is it worth at 50 cts/bushel, deducting 1,050 lbs for tare?
    4. District No 33 has a valuation of $35,000. What is the necessary levy to carry on a school seven months at $50 per month, and have $104 for incidentals?
    5. Find the cost of 6,720 lbs. Coal at $6.00 per ton.
    6. Find the interest of $512.60 for 8 months and 18 days at 7 percent per annum.
    7. What is the cost of 40 boards 12 inches wide and 16 ft long at $20 per metre?
    8... Find bank discount on $300 for 90 days (no grace) at 10 percent.
    9. What is the cost of a square farm at $15 per acre, the distance of which is 640 rods?
    10. Write a Bank Check, a Promissory Note, and a Receipt.
    U.S. History (Time, 45 minutes)
    1. Give the epochs into which U.S. History is divided
    2. Give an account of the discovery of America by Columbus .
    3. Relate the causes and results of the Revolutionary War.
    4. Show the territorial growth of the United States .
    5. Tell what you can of the history of Kansas .
    6. Describe three of the most prominent battles of the Rebellion.
    7. Who were the following: Morse, Whitney, Fulton , Bell , Lincoln , Penn, and

  59. Teachers should be dedicated and teach and stop being mouth-pieces, and union robots. Perhaps, if the schools actually had professionals, a day out for them to fine tune their skills would benefit the children; however, this school board and its' representatives are so far from professional in word and deed it is sickening. The amount of money wasted on them all in the name of better education for our children. The public really needs to educated themselves and read through all the education hype from the teachers and administrators we hear every year the same old tired speeches at the public hearings. Time to tighten your collective belts and do the job with what you have and weed out all the dead wood from within instead of promoting and moving around the county. Be responsible and be accountable!

  60. Many other counties in Maryland make use of their pro days before school starts. One county have an early dismissal every Wednesday to use as pro days hours. We are obviously not being creative here in Wi co.

    I would love to start after labor day, BUT not at having 2 weeks off in Winter. This is ridiculous. Another poster earlier said to take away spring break, well next year they get ONLY Friday and Monday off. Why? Because, we have a HUGE winter break.

    They could easily change the winter break to 1 week, give an extra day for spring break, and we would still get out 4 days earlier than projected. Now if the teachers would come in a week earlier, they could knocked 5 days of professional what ever there. We are now getting out 9 days earlier.

    Sadly, I don't think this will happen, bc the boe is not creative or willing to listen to anyone.

  61. 12:54 There are public as well as private schools that provide professional development every Wednesday afternoon for their teachers. Wicomico already has the longest school day in the state so missing one afternoon a week would not be a huge problem except for the fact we are a babysitting service. Funny thing is that many of the parents we are babysitting for don't work.

  62. Anonymous said...
    A later opening benefits kids who work during the summer and often get paid well to stay on the job during the week before Labor Day. An earlier opening benefits kids who will do very poorly on state tests, and five days more of instruction in August is thought to make a difference. One of those groups is ALWAYS the priority.

    January 30, 2015 at 10:37 AM

    You are correct and it's the group that has 55% free and reduced meals. But the the truth is it doesn't help anyone in their educational outcome. It's just more free babysitting days for the THUGS.

  63. 10:40 AM I agree with you 100% They can work those days. Not all schools are polling places so they can have a Professional Day at one of the schools. I don't think Wi Middle was a polling place.

  64. Going back in August might help our worst students a tiny, immeasurable amount while working students get penalized. Whatever the excuse given, the least productive and worst behaved will be favored.

  65. If Governor Hogan and O'Malley support this initiative by Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot then this is something that all schools systems in Maryland should adopt. John Fredericksen is no exception.

  66. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Fredrickson you and Ireton will be looking for a new job come this fall, tick tock you old bastard.

    January 30, 2015 at 10:37 AM

    We can only hope so.

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Calendar B
    The end date can be sooner than 6/20 by reducing the number of days off during Winter break. Winter break can begin 12/23. The Professional Day on 2/29 should be a school day with Professional Day moved to the day after school ends. This would make the last day for students 6/15 - with 6/13, 6/14, & 6/15 half days for students.
    The end date can be sooner than 6/20 by reducing the number of days off during Winter break. Winter break can begin 12/23. The Professional Day on 2/29 should be a school day with Professional Day moved to the day after school ends. This would make the last day for students 6/15 - with 6/13, 6/14, & 6/15 half days for students.

    January 30, 2015 at 4:55 PM

    I and many people across the state have already got our vacations scheduled the week before 6/15. The best option would be to make schools end Memorial Day weekend and have them open the Tuesday after Labor Day. It worked years before so it can work now.

  68. Anonymous said...
    Snow days? THere is no such thing as a snow day...just no bus service. On the snow days now, by 9:30 they are all sledding at the Elks Club or showing up at the Mall by 11:00. How did they get there?

    January 30, 2015 at 1:31 PM

    You are exactly correct. The school boards use the scare tactics that they may get sued if a bus gets into an accident or a parent gets into an accident. They even use the excuse that the kids that walk would have to walk in the streets because the city hasn't cleared the sidewalks. What about the kids getting hit while walking in the streets when school is closed due to snow. Couldn't they get sued on a snow day because a child got hit by a car while throwing snow balls in the street?

  69. Anonymous said...
    Speaking of professional days, ask what elementary principals did Monday afternoon.

    January 30, 2015 at 12:01 PM

    Um.. We don't have time for that, why don't you please tell us?

  70. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I know Fredrickson is watching this post so Pack your Bags fool.

    January 30, 2015 at 10:50 AM

    You better believe he does. He trolls this blog every day. He also has his IT people checking every employees key strokes to see if they are reading this blog. IT utilizes a software program that can report all BOE employees who go to certain sites. Many have been fired for that.

  71. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I think they should go to school year round!

    January 30, 2015 at 9:46 AM

    And you are willing to pay more taxes? It isn't free and year round has been proven not to work.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Going back in August might help our worst students a tiny, immeasurable amount while working students get penalized. Whatever the excuse given, the least productive and worst behaved will be favored.

    February 1, 2015 at 2:54 PM

    The worst students should be removed from regular students and then you will see the higher achieving students and the average students do so much better. Then you could easily go back to starting school after Labor Day and finishing Memorial Day weekend.

  73. 4:08
    Removing those who fail to work, refuse to put forth effort, refuse to behave, bully their victims, disrespect teachers, commit crimes and all the rest would not be allowed.

  74. Principals are year round positions....not part of professional days. That is teachers (190 day employees).

    Maryland needs to go to hours of instruction instead of days...just like Delaware. Makes more sense and students go labor day to memorial day and are done! They are finished mentally anyway.


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