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Monday, February 09, 2015

Foodie first lady says ‘cheese dust is not food’

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama says she dropped boxed macaroni and cheese from her family’s diet after her daughter couldn’t turn a block of cheese into cheese powder.

In an interview in the March issue of Cooking Light magazine, Mrs. Obama says Sam Kass, the family’s former personal chef, had taken a stand against the boxed variety, which includes processed cheese powder among the ingredients.

“He said there’s nothing wrong with mac and cheese, but it’s got to be real food,” she said, crediting him with helping to eliminate processed food from their diet.

Kass gave her daughter Malia, who was about 8 years old at the time, a block of cheese and challenged her to turn the fresh cheese into powder.



  1. I'm going out on a limb here and say that yellow powder is, in fact, made from cheese and is reconstituted with adding the milk.


  2. Not everyone can afford to have a personal chef and eat like the Obamas do and they have to depend on food like boxed mac and cheese. Maybe the Obamas need to try to live on what people really do make for a living for a change.

  3. Drop block of cheese into liquid nitrogen (or dry ice could work), wait a little, remove block of frozen cheese powder, drop on floor, clean up cheese powder. Enjoy!

  4. In keeping with 10:29's thinking: Drop blockhead Obama into liquid nitrogen (or dry ice could work), wait a little, remove blockhead of frozen cheese head powder, drop on floor, clean up Mooshell cheese powder. Enjoy!


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