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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Fed fires back at Rand Paul

The Federal Reserve is lashing out at Sen. Rand Paul’s plan to give Congress more oversight over the central bank, a proposal that could gain traction in the new Republican-led Congress.

The Kentucky Republican reintroduced his “Audit the Fed” legislation last month with 30 co-sponsors, including other potential 2016 GOP hopefuls, Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).

The proposal — once championed by his father, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) —would subject the central bank to an audit by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Regional bank presidents from around the country are decrying the plan, which they argue could damage the economy.



  1. the FED should be dissolved if they do an audit they will find out the emperor has no clothes

  2. I bet it would endanger the economy - their economy! Really love their dis of the Federal government!

  3. The reason they don't want to do it is probably all the missing funds.

  4. Quote: Regional bank presidents from around the country are decrying the plan, which they argue could damage the economy.

    Comment: That's the same thing media said about lower fuel prices however my personal economy seems to be improving. You can only keep human mushrooms in the dark so long after they've chocked down years of crap/lies/b.s..

  5. Like any other crook they are afraid of being caught. Their reaction just proves that they are hiding something, something rather important. And yes when it is found out just what they have really been doing it will help crash the house of cards they have built. Lies and deceit will always eventually be brought to the light. In some cases it may take years or decades but it will happen. They are about to crash the economy anyway, now they can conveniently blame it on the Republicans like the Demo-rats do.

  6. "....damage the economy."
    What they mean is that when American citizens see how badly they've been scammed, people are going to prison.
    Ok. Ya got me.
    No one is going to prison.
    Keep cheering.


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