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Friday, February 06, 2015

Famous Author Absolutely Loses It And Smacks Down Lying NBC Anchor Brian Williams Over False Iraq War Story

Brad Thor nails it – what a lying jerk. This is par for the course concerning the lapdog, lying media. NBC News anchor Brian Williams, who claims to be a real journalist and who in December inked a 5 year deal with NBC, came clean after only 12 years that he has been lying about coming under RPG fire in Iraq in 2003. Fed-up troops called him out online after he once again started bragging about his traumatic experience. Even after being outed into telling the truth, he doubled down with another lie and blamed it on the fog of memory and “misremembrance.” Right. Lying, liars gonna lie – especially if they are faux journalists.



  1. They should shix can him but of course he a lying liberal POS so they love him.

  2. All trust is lost. Another Dan Rather only worse.

  3. Look this states the obvious....MSM has no more integrity...gone done zilch...much like our local MSM..


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