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Monday, February 23, 2015

FAILED SYSTEM: Female Judge Says Man Must Pay $30K In Child Support For Kid That’s Not His!

A Michigan man ordered to pay child support for a kid that isn’t his received another shocker Tuesday, when an appeals judge upheld the ruling mandating he pay $30,000 in back child support to his ex.



  1. F that. No way I would pay, court ordered or not.

  2. The mother knows who the real father is. Where is he?

  3. And an ex-cop, in the news today, kills his two daughters, family dog, and himself, when faced with the the unfair judicial system and a pending divorce. But, under Maryland law, a married man is responsible for any and all child support for children conceived during marriage. Sucks, but they say it protects the children. One can see why it makes men go nuts...

  4. I guess people who hate judges and the court system, and the corrupt police are just terrorist right?

    There is no legitimate reason why the populous might actually hate police and judges and the court system?

    OH that's right, based on all of you dumb mofo's it is because we are criminals and shouldn't break the law, ah yes now it comes back to me...

  5. They just created ANOTHER domestic terrorist.
    WHO thinks this is "justice"?

  6. I tried to bring this subject up about a local man last summer that this very same thing happened to.posted it on this blog even. I guess Joe didn't think it news worthy. Now it's news when it's not local?

    This man was white his ex was white (he hadn't been with her In years) during that time she got pregnant by a man of color when the baby was born she listed him as the father because she didn't know the real father's last name. A cpl of years went by and she filed for social services and the state went after my friend for child support. He stood in Court with the mother and the real father(who I might add was manning up and claiming the child) the child's complexion was a person of color as well. The judge said he didn't care who the real father was his name was on the birth certificate and told him flat out if he didn't pay the back support and have insurance on the child by the time he came back to court he would be locked up. It took another 9 months and thousands of dollars to get the situation worked out.

    Just goes to show you you don't have to father a child in this country now days to be held responsible for one In the eyes of a liberal judge.

  7. I think I would just take the jail sentence. Hell if I would want to be someone's ATM and meal ticket for their irresponsibility! In divorces and child support, men always loose.

  8. Judges Will get judged.

  9. You think the Devil is not real TAKE A LONG LOOK AT THIS JUDGE.


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