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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dem Senator on Amnesty: Obama ‘Overreached

Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W. Va.) said that a number of Democrats will join with Republicans to vote against Obama’s executive action if it is separated from funding for the Department of Homeland Security.

“I think the president overreached,” Manchin said. “And I would be–I will be voting with the Republicans to repeal the president’s actions.”



  1. The Republicans need to make sure this vote is scheduled before the vote on the clean funding bill! Make sure it gets passed and the expected veto overridden before voting on the funding bill...then make it a clean funding bill that is without the funding necessary to carry out the illegal immigrant protection actions!

  2. Bet it wont matter and they never know whats in till they pass

  3. Why do you people insist on showing how dumb you are???? Why????

    You know damn well the politicians won't do anything that helps this country. You know damn well they will not stop.... The President isn't even enforcing laws that exist with immigration and congress as the guy said he "would" vote to repeal it which means he won't....

    Ignorance is no excuse...


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