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Friday, February 13, 2015

Crusades vs Muslim attacks


  1. Interesting - sounds like we need some more Crusaders!

  2. anglo-saxons in the name of christiananity have killed far more people than anyone else in history.

  3. so this is proof that all religions are bad

  4. Truly 8:09 do you have facts to back that up. do you really hate your country that much. do you really support the burnings and beheadings that much

  5. 8:09 AM

    Let's see the numbers that led you to this conclusion.

    Remember, you've quoted this as being "in the name of christianity (sic)", so be able to connect anything you say to directly connecting Christianity as the motivating cause.

  6. Gee I reread my post. I do not see anything about hating my cuntry in there. I love my country. I hate organized religion. Are you saying the two are the same? If so, please read the constitution which separates the two very nicely. By the way, what does the Crusades have to do with our country, anyway? I am assuming of course, you are not living in Europe.

  7. 9:23 Hey now... that's not fair! How dare you bring facts into this bashing! Sinner.


  8. wars, crucifixtions, you name it, has been carried out because of Christianity. either for it or against it. I'm not condemning Christianity, I'm not pro Taliban and Isis. they are animals. but it's a historical fact.

  9. If Sharia law comes to America we will see how you feel then.

  10. again All religions are evil

  11. If Sharia law comes to America..if you honestly believe for one second that that is a possibility you should be sterilized and quarantined so that your special brand of gullible ignorance can never be spread to anyone else.

  12. It has been estimated by historians that communists have killed over 100 million people. They are probably at the top of the list. Muslims have murdered and enslaved more people world wide and over a longer period of time than any other group. Almost every county in the world that is at some stage of war, outside of Ukraine, is due to muslims. The crusades and the inquisition were relatively short lived events.


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