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Friday, February 13, 2015

Court Rules Details of DHS Cellphone Service Kill Switch Can Remain Secret

Concern grows that federal agency is preparing to shut down communications during protests
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington DC has ruled that the Department of Homeland Security’s procedure for shutting down cell phone service during a declared emergency can remain secret.

The lawsuit was brought by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) after the DHS failed to release its criteria for network shutdowns following an incident in 2011 when government officials in San Francisco disabled cell phone service during a peaceful protest. The demonstration was against the police killing of Charles Hill, a homeless man shot dead by a Bay Area Rapid Transit (“BART”) officer.

A federal judge initially ruled in EPIC’s favor but the DHS won the case on appeal. However, the federal agency may still have to disclose some portions of the protocol.



  1. yup, which is why I still pay $25 a month for my landline.

  2. 542, it's just as easy to shut them down as well. Get tunable long range two way radios, and keep them in an EMP envelope at all times.

  3. Keep cheering ? Place head in sand? Turn on msnbc? You ' ll be ok...':)

  4. People need to understand that the government is against you. At every level. Including the courts.

  5. I still have my Cobra SSB with a power mic and my old wildcat BBS software... it all worked before we had cell phones and internet and i'm pretty damn sure it will still work long after the government starts playing their stupid games... funny thing is no matter what they do, the Amish will never even blink... hard to miss something you never really needed in the first place, but once your life became dependent on it the government had absolute control of you... remember at the end of the day that's all it's about ... CONTROL

  6. Thanks to president George Walker Bush. He really put us in a police STATE.

  7. CLINTON signed into law more intrusive and secret statutes, executive orders, and "findings" that abridged our rights than any President up to that point in history. It gets worse with every new president and Congress.
    But, that aside, our "leaders" and "representatives" (and yeah, "your guy", too) have now said the right to protest is no longer protected (can't talk, can't organize and THAT, my friends is a REAL "emergency" for the Gestapo), and, not satisfied with just that, have also said our right to free speech is under their SECRET control (we don't like what you're talking about so, POOF!...try talking now).
    A legal ruling by the people who are sworn to UPHOLD the Constitution. Maybe they haven't gotten around to actually READING it yet -- just did the Cliff Notes)
    How much do you have to see before you say "ENOUGH!"? Huh???! The entire Bill of Rights has been decimated, shredded, spit upon and openly and disdainfully treated as some old political "suggestions".
    Think. In an emergency, shouldn't the people BE able to COMMUNICATE??! WHO in their right mind WOULDN'T want citizens to be able to speak to each other in an "emergency" and for what reason. Take a guess as to where your ONLY information will be coming from....and why is that so important to them? THINK!
    And stop all that mindless, brainwashed, "they only want what's best for us" BS cheering.
    Its becoming a sickening symbolic reminder of the hysterical Hitler masses.
    History lesson -- those masses of cheerleaders were CONVINCED that Hitler and his henchmen HAD to do all the things they did in order to, wait for it ......PROTECT THEM from all the boogeymen the world had coming to do them terrible (terrorist, now??) deeds.
    Nothing familiar there, huh?
    And, as every smart person knows, history never repeats itself.


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