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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Coolest Ultrasound Photo Ever?

In this age of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, an unborn baby may have just provided the coolest ultrasound photograph ever.

The child appears to be giving a whole-hearted thumbs-up during his mother’s 20-week ultrasound scan.

The child belongs to Paul Schofield, 31, and Cheryl Stevenson, 32, from Manchester, England.

Stevenson went to Saint Mary’s Hospital for her routine check-up, and discovered not only the sex of the child is male, but she was pleasantly surprised with the image seeming to indicate all is well in the womb.

“It was really surprising. People have asked me if it is real,” she told Britain’s Daily Mail. “It’s a prized memento and he must be having fun in there to be giving us the thumbs-up.”


1 comment:

  1. That thumb was headed for the fetuses mouth. Everyone knows that fetuses suck their thumbs in utero. It is a natural position of hands for a fetus.


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