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Friday, February 27, 2015

Condom vending machines introduced to prisons in California

A controversial new law has been introduced in California requiring all prisons in the state to install condom vending machines.

The new legislation stipulates that within the next five years California must start distributing condoms in around three dozen state prisons.



  1. That's nice of them.
    When guards and administrators, tasked with the health and safety of prisoners, allow rapes to occur daily under their watch, at least they are compassionate enough to make sure the rapists have protection.
    Now if they could just figure out how to stop the guards and administrators from smuggling drugs into the jails and prisons, it would almost be Nirvana on lockdown.

  2. Only in California and Floriduh could this come true.

    9:36 As is the case in Baltimore, the guards need the protection too!

  3. Need them in the bars on the plaza too.

  4. This is illegal because it is a crime for inmates to have sex..Many inmates are raped or forced to perform sexual acts. This would do little to prevent STDs.

  5. why would anyone need condoms in a prison?

  6. That is a F*n gross thought. Reminds me of Jim Ireton.


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