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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Charles Manson's fiancée 'only wanted to marry him so she could put his corpse on display in a glass coffin after he died'

Charles Manson's fiancée allegedly tricked him into agreeing to marry her as part of a bizarre plot to put his corpse on display after he died.

Afton Elaine Burton, who calls herself 'Star', took out a marriage license with the serial killer last year - but reportedly only suggested matrimony to get legal ownership of his remains and stuff them in a glass coffin.

Star, 27, strung the 80-year-old murderer along with the hope of cashing in after he died and turning his body into a tourist attraction, according to a source close to Manson.



  1. It's hard to comment while I'm laughing so hard,but that is hilarious.Why not just pickle him and put him in a jar?

  2. $$$
    let the murder victims take parts of him and feed them to the pigs.

  3. 11:49 But, he didn't murder anyone.

  4. How is a "murder victim" going to do anything?

  5. Uhhm.....why wait until he's dead?


  6. Guess he needed a better online dating pic!

  7. She is a real class act.

  8. Now thats what you call a real entrapanuer.


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