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Saturday, February 07, 2015

CDC vaccine whistleblower given immunity to testify

William Thompson free to describe vaccine-autism fraud at CDC to Congress

Vaccine wars heat up

Sold-out media line up to defend vaccines

By Jon Rappoport
February 4, 2015

Patrick Howley at The Daily Caller reports that William Thompson, CDC whistleblower, has been given immunity from prosecution, by the federal government, to testify before Congress about vaccine fraud at the CDC.

Cautionary note: so far, The Daily Caller is the sole source on this story.

On August 27, 2014, Thompson, a long-time researcher at the CDC, published a statement through his lawyer, Rick Morgan, admitting that he and colleagues at the CDC violated the protocol in a study on the MMR vaccine's connection to autism.

The study, which was published in the journal Pediatrics in 2004, exonerated the vaccine, when in fact the study omitted vital data on a group of black babies who showed an increased risk for autism after receiving the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.
Since he released his August 27 statement, whistleblower Thompson has maintained silence and has refused to talk to reporters.

Now it appears he's ready to step into the light---if there is a Congressional hearing. That's a big if.



  1. This is not the only time info has been altered/suppressed.
    Most of the 'studies' were done by the vaccine manufacturers (like they still are for drugs under approval studies)
    This is the tip of the iceberg

  2. how ironic - immunity to tell truth about immunity

  3. does anybody remember Thalidomide?

  4. You are an idiot if you don't think there is a connection.
    Pure and simple idiot.
    They have harmed millions and those millions will forever live with the consequences and big pharma will be untouched.

    Are you also stupid to not realize the sudden BIG push to vaccinate over measles. A lousy 100 people get it and it is now an epidemic.

    Keep drinking the koolaid kiddies.

  5. My daughter had a violent reaction to her first MMR shot and didn't get any other shots after that. She is now in her late 30s. It is up to her about what she wants to do now.


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