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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Cash still king in OC inlet lot as card-only lanes leaving

Even as more and more financial transactions become digital, cash apparently remains king when it comes to parking in this town.

Ocean City is poised to remove the automated credit card-only payment lane from the inlet parking lot before the summer season, replacing it with a traditional staffed booth after data indicated that the lane is going underused.

“It does seem backward from everything else,” said Mayor Rick Meehan during this week’s Transportation Commission session. “This is probably the exception rather than the rule.”



  1. Not a big surprise if you've ever watched people trying to pay using a credit/debit card at a grocery store or get money from an ATM. Cash transactions are much quicker.

  2. Credit cards can be traced, therefore, there is a record on income. Cash can not be traced. There is your answer.

  3. 450-I'm sure many of those that wear tin-foil hats agree.

  4. 4:50 is right. Cash is easier to steal.

  5. Cash, unlike credit, requires little thinking on the part of the user. People are idiots.

  6. Person drives up to toll booth operated by human and hands over $20. Professional in booth calculates cost hands over change, driver drives off. Transaction complete less than 1 minute.

    Person drives up to automated toll booth. Figures out cost of toll, finally pulls wallet out of purse or back pocket. Figures out which credit card still has money on it. Puts card in machine tries to read the screen in the bright sunlight to figure what button to push next. Tries to remember zip code, finally remembers zip code and completes transaction. Waits for printer to print out receipt. After getting receipt puts it and credit card in wallet. Put wallet in back pocket and finally drives away. Time of transaction 5 minutes if lucky.

  7. The lane also allowed those there less than 30 minutes to exit quickly while the Baltimorons were arguing with the human about how no way it could be that much money to park there.


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