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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bride’s Scathing Wedding ‘Invitation’ to Estranged Parents May Be a Viral Hit, but Her Deeper Story Details Years of Abuse That Led Up to It

A scathing wedding “invitation” from an angry bride-to-be to her parents is rocking the Internet, but the woman’s now-viral gesture contains a deeper story rooted in what she says was years of abuse.

“So my narcissistic parents abused me for 16 years before I ran away from home. Now they’re trying to bully their way (via family, they haven’t bothered to speak to me personally) into getting an invitation to my wedding,” the woman posted on Reddit. “There was really only one way to respond.”



  1. This young bride is not well and need help. She will carry these scars her whole life, but to be this intense in her hatred only leaves her bitter and short changed on joy. This should be one of the happiest times in her life and she is giving up part of her happiness to respond to people who have hurt her and are obviously still hurting her beyond belief. I suggest she reach out for counseling and learn to put all this behind her before it consumes her whole life further. She has my sympathy.

  2. 6:25-I partly agree with you,but some people actually thrive on hatred.So much so that their lives wouldn't be complete without it.I don't understand it,but this young lady seems fully capable of keeping it up for the rest of her life.This IS her happiness & her parents shouldn't have further involvement in her life.

  3. 6:25 everyone in life has trials and tribulations. it is possible to survive in life without counseling, pills, oprah, social services, etc. I applaud this young bride for picking HERSELF up and hopefully finding happiness. her success is obviously eating her parents alive. Good for her. hope the invitation gets to her parents and she moves on with her life

  4. I think this bride did the right thing. I think you have every right to push people out of your life, parents or not.

  5. I agree, everyone has the right to push people out of their lives including family. What I don't agree with is making it public. This seems to be something the lower class involves themselves in because for whatever reason they have a compelling need to call attention to themselves and to show off publically. Privacy is not a valued commodity to them.
    Viewing the vulgarity (s it and f you) shows one the low class level of those involved.
    I imagine the bride thinks she is being cute and clever but in actuality she is a foul person.

  6. Parents might not be perfect, as they don't come with a manual, but they are your parents. Do the right thing and invite them. Honor you mother and father. Same goes for children.


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