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Monday, February 09, 2015

Brian Williams claims he 'looked down the tube of an RPG' in Iraq

In the wake of Brian Williams' decision to temporarily step away from the NBC Nightly News, fresh footage has emerged of him lying yet again about the 2003 Iraq war story that has got him into so much hot water.

The latest footage to surface is a 2007 interview with Fairfield University Student Television in which Williams repeats his claim that a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at his helicopter.

The news anchor admitted on Wednesday that the story is totally false, but in the interview with a student journalist he even goes further and claims that he was close enough to stare down the barrel of the weapon.



  1. now another story is coming out on him about a bs story of him being mugged years ago ,when does this end? He has ZERO credibility FIRE HIM.

  2. In a world where the rest of us are perfect this is not acceptable.

  3. All democrats have a serious problem and it's called they lie pathologically. Lying is the only thing they excel at.
    People with a conscience and who are not morally corrupted are never democrats.

  4. He also saw Lee Harvey Oswald shoot President Kennedy, Obama's birth in Hawaii, and interviewed Jesus.

  5. He's my hero because he's done it all.Brian needs to quit his job anyway so he can get prepared for his presidential run.

  6. We live in an era where we "have to pass bills to see what's in them". Everyone is asleep at the wheel, and Brian simply lied to add to his television persona. He got busted. Moving on....

  7. 12:52, you are exactly right the politicians and lame stream media lie on a daily basis they really dont care when they are caught in a lie,instead they move onto their next lie just as Lian Williams has

  8. The only thing he is looking down or going down is the tubes concerning his credibility. Scott "The JAW" Pelli could probably join him.

  9. He was present at Obama's birth in Hawaii, which was in a stable, surrounded by animals, and there was a star in the east....

  10. We should all just watch Fox news. When they lie to us, it is really obvious.


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