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Thursday, February 05, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Pope Francis to address Congress

House Speaker John Boehner says Pope Francis will speak to Congress when he visits the United States in September, in the first such address by a pontiff.



  1. I hope Congress gets anyone and everyone in there to address them that Obama hates. Keep it up, I love it.

  2. His focus needs to be on Jesus and not congress and global warming.

  3. The man is spewing liberal anti-christian Marxist theory, who really gives a crap what he thinks?
    He may be the antichrist of the Catholic Church.

  4. Did Boiner get the King's permission to invite the Pope?

  5. Are we going to get a lecture on the evils of capitalism?

  6. just what we need.

  7. It's funny how Congress keeps inviting world leaders to speak at Capitol Hill. How about inviting solid American businessmen and job creators to impart some knowledge? Nobody wants to hear what some hypocrite in a pointy hat has to say.

  8. It would truly be a modern miracle if the Pope could break through the thick fog in the president's head.

  9. Actually 5:13, the Pope and Obama worked together on the Cuba deal. The Pope pushed pretty hard for that one.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The man is spewing liberal anti-christian Marxist theory, who really gives a crap what he thinks?
    He may be the antichrist of the Catholic Church.

    February 5, 2015 at 1:03 PM

    You are an idiot brain dead Democrat. You need to be ashamed of yourself.


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