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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Breaking News In Salisbury

Salisbury EMS and Station 2 dispatched to Bed Bath and Beyond for a non breathing subject as a result of a hanging. Paramedic A74 dispatched for the ambulance because Salisbury had none available.

Now advising the subject is behind the building in the back about 15ft up a tree

Assistant Chief 1 responding and engine 2 establishing command. Advises it's a priority 4

Originally posted at 12:13 PM.


  1. I bet it is one of those beggars at the intersection.

    1. Doesn't matter who it is. It's still heartbreaking

    2. You can be wealthy and stable one day and the next be poor or homeless so before you judge who it was maybe you should be thanking god for what you have, praying for the family because any of us could be In that's situation

    3. Yes it doesn't matter who it was its still a human life people deserve to live no matter if they have money or beg for it just wrong to say

  2. OH GOD NO!!! So sad.... Is priority 4 the worse case?

    1. Priority 4 means no medical care given. Has two meanings. One like a stubbed toe and medic didn't do anything or a person has expired and a medic didn't do anything.

  3. Nick parks at it again

  4. Sad for this to happen to anyone!

  5. One of the beggers or not! They still have a family that loves them! Prayers for all involved

    1. Definitely me. I'm his neice. You guys have no idea what I'm going through

    2. Was his last name Jones

    3. Don't worry about his last name, let is grieve; please.

    4. The reason I asked was because I was hoping it was the individual I know . but I already know what I need to thanks anyways. Def keeping his family in prayer.

    5. Hoping it wasn't**

  6. Lighten up people! I heard it was a young lady.

  7. People these days are so heartless and ignorant karma will have you RIP

  8. Its a sad day when this happens. Even worse if a young person does this on valentines day. So much more love out there then what one thinks is lost.

  9. WOW!!!! This article has now become the #1 Post of the entire WEEK in just ONE HOUR!

  10. If it was a young lady I am wondering if it was an employee of Bed, Bath and Beyond.

    I wonder if an employee went out back to dump trash in the dumpster and saw this.

  11. Truck 2 just got dispatched back up there to assist City PD.

  12. Very sad, especially on VDay.

  13. Did I her Delmar's Command unit responding to the hanging call in Salisbury?

  14. 155
    If a medic does not do anything it means the person has died hours ago and they are pronounced DOA. so get your FACTS straight FOOL.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Doesn't matter who it is. It's still heartbreaking

    February 14, 2015 at 2:22 PM

    No Sh*t Sherlock!!

  16. 232...mom and dad gone and your playing on the internet...kids will be kids....idiot

  17. Praying for her and her family . RIP

  18. I noticed a car on that back road by the woods this morning as I went to marshalls but never thought anything of it...honestly thought it was a couple trying to get away for a few minutes on valentines day. What a shame. Prayers to the family.

  19. Is this the "beyond" part of the store?

  20. Someone Who Still Cares About PeopleFebruary 14, 2015 at 2:51 PM

    I am not here to judge anyone by no means...But before anyone on here makes any assumptions about who it is or whether they are male or female, why don't you let the police and the crime scene(forensics) do their job and process it. They have not released any information as of yet as they are still there processing the scene. I am sure that as soon as Joe knows any information about the incident, he will let everyone know. The way the times are becoming, I am sure this is not the first nor the last we will ever hear of something like this happening. People are losing their jobs, getting their hours cut, having to obtain health insurance when they can't even afford to pay their rent. Yes there are some people who use and abuse the welfare system, just as there are people who commit crimes everyday. We are all human and mistakes are made everyday by everyone. Just remember as you are posting your comments, that this person could be someone's mother, father, brother, sister, friend or any other family member to them, as they may be following Joe's blog for information as well. That is what is wrong with people today. People speak without thinking about what damage can be done. What we all need to be doing is praying for the person and for their family.

    1. I truly wish more people were like you. What has happened to respect? Thank you

    2. Great post. So many ppl on here make assumptions and don't know the facts

    3. THANK YOU! Finally somebody with some sense!

  21. 2:32......I know who the FOOL is and it's YOU. Having spent many years as a paramedic, I can tell you that your statement is terribly incorrect. "Priority 4" means, literally, no medical care necessary. Of course, that can mean a myriad of things. "DOA" means, literally, dead on arrival. Usually that means 'arrival at the hospital', not arrival of the EMS crew. And, an unresponsive, non-viable patient doesn't mean the "person died hours ago". Actually under Maryland protocols, there is a strict list of when a person can be considered non-viable and some can include death only minutes ago. It depends on the given situation. So as far as a "FOOL", I believe you fit that classification quite well. Now, how about YOU get your facts straight. If you're an EMS provider, you need to study your protocol book again. If you're not an EMS provider, take an EMT class so you'll really know what to do and not to do. And to the victim and her family, my prayers are with you in this tragic time.

    1. Thanks for my back.

    2. Thank you for your service. You are very knowledgeable.

    3. But I'm the counties biggest piece of turd. Can't be.

  22. In response to 2:51 I offer this poem.

    Desiderata (1927)
    by Max Ehrmann

    Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
    they are vexatious to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain or bitter,
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs,
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals,
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.
    Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love,
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be.
    And whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life,
    keep peace in your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

  23. Sad that it happened, that someone was THAT sad.
    Even sadder that people are on here anonymously making fun of the situation.

  24. Nick Parks was in hand cuffs and being arrested about an hour ago by Tractor Supply.

    1. Nick Parks is getting way too much attention people! That's what he wants. Stop giving it to him!!

    2. He doesn't want attention he wants your money

  25. Oh my how sad! Prayers for all involved..

  26. Jus to clear up the priority 4 for everyone md protocol states person not requiring medical attention does not mean they are dead or alive I am a paramedic and have transported breathing priority 4 due to being a minor

    1. Then you were priority 3. Breathing problems I would hope means you put them on o2. Treatment given. Protocols of MD.

  27. I hate WANNABE pt Heroes.February 14, 2015 at 4:25 PM

    AKA pt wanna be medic,If there is obvious rigamortis and or obvious signs of death ie decapitation the Emt or Medic can pronounce death. stop being a keyboard wannabe at punch yourself in the face numerous times then call for a medic so he can pronounce your stupid Ass your original comment was RUDE and OBNOXIOUS and CLUELESS if YOUR in the medical field i feel bad for salisbury residents for the internet first aid wannabe douchebag that you are, you are probably one of these idiots i seen years ago in salisbury EMS pull up and WALK up to a devastating motorcycle crash with ZERO equipment trying to look all that what a embarrassment to the profession leave the job to REAL MEN with Knowledge and experience and go back in to your MOMS Basement.

  28. 3:04 used to be medic yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn.what happened you got suspended ,fired,or Fat???

    1. Retired maybe. Love the hate of our ems. First its Salisbury Fire. Now its the medics. If its a volunteer company someone has to mouth off. You people hate the fire and ems personnel . why? Ask yourselves that! Why hate and disrespect the people who sacrifice so much for you. Not just their physical lives but time away from family and lack of sleep and countless hours training.all for strangers and the community. Mostly a nice meal at the end of the year is all they get. And they work and lay for that themselves. Think about that and thank a firefighter or medic next time you see him or her.
      J. Fisher

  29. Anonymous said...
    Nick Parks was in hand cuffs and being arrested about an hour ago by Tractor Supply.

    February 14, 2015 at 3:24 PM

    Awesome news.

  30. Everyone needs to get off of Nick Parks balls no matter who it was it's sad and everyone has someone that's loves them regradless of the situation....Apparently everyone's life is just as miserable as Nicks if you have nothing else better to do than then to worry about what he's doing and what he's not doing how about you get a life just like he needs to.... Mind your oun business and stop worrying about Nicks....


    2. Call county Bc they have a county ordnance in place for beggars. The city does not

  31. Priority 4 is used when a patient is DOA. I don't care what the technical term is that's what we use it as around here in the field. And I have confirmation from someone who was on scene it was a male who died from the hanging in a tree. Let's not spread rumors just cuz people says they "heard" something.

    1. Maryland Priority 4 designates a patient not requiring medical attention.

      No patient contact or uninjured are both priority 4 along with a Doa falling in same group

  32. Thanks for the poem 3:12 very uplifting.People! People! Have some compassion suicide on the increase in our community we all need to be our brothers keepers and stop being so mean spirited and intolerant.

  33. @ 2:48
    Would you like to elaborate? Don't see how that is possible.
    Have you reported that to the police?

  34. Do not make jokes about suicide! It's not okay regardless of how we see it portrayed in society. Grow up and show some compassion or don't say anything at all.

  35. Nick saw the weather forecast for the next week and wanted 3 hots and a cot. He's not stupid. Oh, and I have never been near his balls, 439.

    As for the hanging, I went to BB&B once. There was bed, no Bath, and some Kitchen, and after the tour, I felt like either I had to leave fast, or go out back and...

  36. I can understand a person's wish to end his or her life by suicide, but why the public display? This person was very troubled and wanted to make a statement.

    1. Suicide is a private/personal action usually done in private.....and 15 ft up in a tree......? Would be surprised if thus was a suicide.

    2. I doubt a murder happened in broad day light. Wrap a rope string a tree and hoist . then tie it off. Lot of time to bee seen. And cameras are everywhere.

  37. I pray for the family of this poor woman who will have to receive the most horrible news any mother or father could receive. Or possibly a child receives this news that her mother was hanging from a tree. Unless you have lived this nightmare you cannot know the loss ...the pain...the heartache...or ask yourself what if? It is easy to spout off about something you know nothing about but the gut pain is made worse by these comments. Please know that this is someones child...possibly wife....possibly mother. Please be kind.

  38. I have read all of these comments, and I thank God that you people (obviously) have never seen such a tragedy, rather it be hearing about a friend, a family member or personally seeing someone do this (police officers, EMTs, paramedics, firefighters) because if you had, you wouldn't be talking like this. Instead of making childish comments about who it is, how it happened, why it happened or if the person deserved it or not why don't you think about the people involved and pray for them or at the very least keep your mouth shut..... Think about the friends and family that will get this news, and may or may not see your nasty comments on here....Think about the law enforcement officers, the ambulance crews and the firefighters that had to LOOK at this, that's not something easy to see. I think it's very disrespectful to ANYONE to read comments like the ones you people have made.

    1. Yes! I agree. You said it all!

    2. No ems is on here saying anything except correcting what a priority 4 is. The people that you speak of making fun aren't medical providers. We know and deal with this alkt more then known. It usually doesn't happen in public like this.

  39. Joe, please let us know of any updates. This is so sad!

  40. So so very sad..Has anyone heard anything else about this young lady ? Please keep us posted..And people please keep your negative comments to yourself...Yes this is someones child, daughter sister, or Mother..Imagine feeling that low that You have to do this..I am a parent of a sucide victim ..Even though its been 6 years my heart aches every second of every day..No I never imagined he would do that ..But You know what , He did. and this could have been Your child..So come on folks it don't matter how they did it..It happened, and its real..That person was hurting and no one was there to prevent it...So very sad..My heart aches for them..RIP!

  41. This is so very sad. I pray for them and their family.

  42. 15 feet high.Ponder that for a moment.... has it sunk in yet? Don't make me spell it out.

    1. Exactly......doubtful this was suicide.....

    2. I was thinking the same thing.

  43. This had nothing at all to do with BBB or any of its employees. The store was just used as a location.

  44. From page 29 of your miemss MD protocol book-
    d) Priority 4 — Does not require medical attention.

    It doesn't mean dead, it means "does not require medical attention". Any provider who says it automatically means "dead", and wastes his or her time arguing about it is an idiot and needs to read their protocol book a bit more. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back on my $500,000 rig and head to Wendy's, there's a Frosty with my name on it!

  45. I see I'm not the only person questioning the possibility of this actually being a suicide.

  46. OK ALREADY! SOMEBODY must know what happened..Please tell! So all this nonsense will stop...Why would someone be 15ft in a tree..?Joe help us out so these ignort people will stop. Was there a suicide? Was a kid playing jokes ? Come on someone settle this..And stop trying to give BB&B a bad name ..The store cant help that it was on scene>

    1. Bb and b already has a bad name

  47. How do you get a person 15 ft up a tree against there will? Sounds like a suicide to me.

  48. Joe you can really get people going! Lol! By the way Happy Anniversary! You got the best woman out there when you married Jennifer! Now, back to the story, I am sure the coroner will have the answer on cause of death. Suicide is so very hard on the people the victim has left behind, so many unanswered questions that you will never get the answers to. My heart weeps for the people this person has left behind. This person is a victim, as he was fighting demons in his mind to commit suicide! I hope peace will come quickly for all involved!

  49. My fiancé, my children and I witnessed the body (which appeared to be a male wearing a black boggie, a navy/black jacket, and white shoes) hanging from the tree yesterday. We were saddened to see this. (i'm only giving a description because we are still unsure of who the victim was and maybe someone remember their loved one wearing something similar yesterday) My first instinct was NOT to judge but call all of my family that lives in the area to make sure that everyone was accounted for. I have read the previous posts and is saddened to all of the IGNORANCE displayed. The victim appeared to be younger in age (maybe highschool/college age). In life were are dealt with many ups and downs. We all deal with things differently. I am floored by all of the NEGATIVITY and sidebar/involvement of other ad their names. I find it very INCONSIDERATE for the family that has lost a loved one. This could have happened to any one of our family members. PLEASE have some type of resect for the unidentified! Instead of being so JUDGEMENTAL....pray. To the BEREAVED FAMILY...I pray for your peace and strength in your time of loss. R.I.P. gentleman.

  50. There is currently a lid on this.I don't know what the problem is,but the story has morphed since it was first announced on this site,and I read it first on this site.Can't quite put my finger on it,but this is long from being over.There are apparently other contributing factors & issues involved that cannot be disrupted by a prying public.

  51. Anonymous said...
    3:04 used to be medic yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn.what happened you got suspended ,fired,or Fat???

    February 14, 2015 at 4:27 PM

    LMAO. Sounds like the SFD.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Everyone needs to get off of Nick Parks balls no matter who it was it's sad and everyone has someone that's loves them regradless of the situation....Apparently everyone's life is just as miserable as Nicks if you have nothing else better to do than then to worry about what he's doing and what he's not doing how about you get a life just like he needs to.... Mind your oun business and stop worrying about Nicks....

    February 14, 2015 at 5:23 PM

    Hey Doucebag we will stop worrying about Nick Parks when he stops making a spectacle out of himself by breaking the law. You must be related to the heroin addict. Sign your name next time.

    1. And where is your name? Johnathan Hall Easton Maryland

  53. Has anyone heard anymore? Some of you people have no sympathy. It doesn't matter whether the person was male or female, young or old, suicide or murder, Nick Parks or John Doe. They are dead. THAT'S where the concern should be. If it was suicide, I feel bad life could have been bad enough to take their own. Not unheard of though. Murder? Hopefully catch the person and hang them back. Nick Parks, while I don't like what he does, it would all the complaints he gets. He could do better for himself. Whichever it was, you don't know the circumstances. It's sad under any circumstance.

  54. A Priority 4 in many cases means a dead person. Someone who obviously won't be resuscitated and we have used that term exclusively for a dead person of a DOA. I don't care about your technical bullshit you found in the MIEMMS protocol book. All you are doing is proving that you are nothing but a text book EMT at best and no one is impressed. Go pound your puddin and get over yourself because no one on here cares about what you have to say.

    Thank you for letting us know what is going on Joe.

  55. Anonymous said...
    My fiancé, my children and I witnessed the body (which appeared to be a male wearing a black boggie, a navy/black jacket, and white shoes) hanging from the tree yesterday. We were saddened to see this. (i'm only giving a description because we are still unsure of who the victim was and maybe someone remember their loved one wearing something similar yesterday) My first instinct was NOT to judge but call all of my family that lives in the area to make sure that everyone was accounted for. I have read the previous posts and is saddened to all of the IGNORANCE displayed. The victim appeared to be younger in age (maybe highschool/college age). In life were are dealt with many ups and downs. We all deal with things differently. I am floored by all of the NEGATIVITY and sidebar/involvement of other ad their names. I find it very INCONSIDERATE for the family that has lost a loved one. This could have happened to any one of our family members. PLEASE have some type of resect for the unidentified! Instead of being so JUDGEMENTAL....pray. To the BEREAVED FAMILY...I pray for your peace and strength in your time of loss. R.I.P. gentleman.

    February 15, 2015 at 12:16 PM

    I hope you weren't a scanner jockey that heard it on the scanner and ran to check it out with your girlfriend and her children. If that is the case then you need you fat ass kicked and I would like to be the one to do it you nosey punk!!

  56. YOU PEOPLE! using the word mildly are some sick F's! Someone died here. Someone died in an awful way. Someone is missing a loved one today.What in sam heck is wrong with you Eastern Shore Hillbillys? Let this family grieve and let them find out what happened to their love one..Stop worrying about who knows what a code this or that is..Pray for this persons mercy and peace and comfort for the ones left behind..And how come the news hasn't reported anything on this..Joe will know! Let Joe find out the details and he will let us all know first hand what went down..Enough people, this could be your life today..And get off BB&B They are a good store, we got enough stores in Salisbury closing ..What are You trying to do damage them too.......

  57. More importantly, we should all ask why our local so called "news" outlets have nothing about this on their sites.

  58. Wow there are some rude comments on here. This was a human being for God's sake. He was a son, father, brother, uncle, grandfather and a truly nice guy. He was going through a low point in life. Unfortunately everyone don't handle stress the same. He was so humorous and the life of the party. He has left a lot of broken hearts behind. Instead of trying to figure out what happened or crack jokes, send a prayer to the family. They have more unanswered questions than anyone on this site.

  59. @1216. I don't own a scanner. Its called shopping. I was leaving from Ross. I was there a what type of person would want to run to see something like that? And I would dare not allow my children to be in an area of such a tragedy just to be nosey . What type of morals do you have? You are truly ignorant. UGHHH As I for stated I pray for the strength of the victim's family.

  60. I would like to say. You the reader's make some strong off the wall comments. Enough is enough.

  61. So, no more real news on this person found hung from a tree 15ft up???

    I pray for the family

  62. I rode behind Bed, Bath and Beyond late yesterday afternoon and I saw 2 vehicles and my guess was they were trying to find out where it happened.

  63. Just happened into this comment site after checking in on Breaking News in Salisbury. After glancing through some of the comments I began to chuckle then my chuckles turned to complete disbelief. Are you people for real?? Is this REALLY a site from real human beings?? one know it all argues it was a different gender. One out and out names a "beggar" almost wishing it was him o4 some other "no account". Then the big argument comes when there is a dispute about what a certain code means and that brings on the name calling. Do your parents or guardians know you are on the computer? You all sound like you're about 12 years old! And to top it all off, everybody is anonymous!!!! Are you that ashamed of what you're posting??? I understand opinions but these are not. I think most of these are from those yapping just to hear their heads rattle.


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