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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Boy Suspended for Making 'Terroristic Threat' With Magic 'Hobbit' Ring

A Texas father is outraged after his fourth-grade son was suspended from school for making a "terroristic threat" with a magic ring.

Jason Steward said that his family went to see "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" last weekend.

His 9-year-old son Aiden then brought a "magic ring" to his class at Kermit Elementary School, telling another boy in a playful way that his ring could make him disappear, the Odessa American reported.

But school officials interpreted that as a threat and removed Aiden from the class.



  1. I wish I had one. I would make a lot of liberals disappear

  2. They lost all sense. All of it.

  3. And to think someone so stupid is educating kids.

  4. This is exactly whats teaching your kids. Wake up America.

  5. You can't fix stupid! Wishing you could make it disappear so easily.

  6. When I was a kid every boy had a cap gun that would really drive these nutso idiots out of their mind today.


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