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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Black Woman Displays Sign That Liberals Will HATE

This African American woman has a message to those living off of her dollars: she’s sick of it. Her sign is going viral, and for good reason.

In addition to giving lie to the idea the liberal notion that the American black community uniformly supports their ideas, it also makes an amazing point.

Sadly, the radical idea that the money we earn is ours and that it doesn’t need to be redistributed or hijacked for the purposes of social engineering is still under attack in 2015 — but some people, like this woman, are rising to its defense.

The fact is, the liberal assault on America’s wallet is worse than ever under President Barack Obama, with the Democrat Party believing that anyone who doesn’t want to turn their money over to the government must be a right-wing nut job or a racist.

This taxpayer is sick of it and sick of the fact that anybody who complains about the profligate federal government is branded an extremist and a miser.

More here


  1. I know that I am sick and tired of giving up my hard earned dollars to a government that does NOT represent me.

  2. Worse than that LadyLiddy, that government turns around and gives too much of that money to people that do nothing in return for it - except vote to continue getting more of your money!


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