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Friday, February 06, 2015

After ISIS execution, angry King Abdullah quotes Clint Eastwood to U.S. lawmakers

Members of the House Armed Services Committee met with Jordan's King Abdullah Tuesday not long after news broke that ISIS had burned to death a Jordanian pilot captured in the fight against the terrorist group. In a private session with lawmakers, the king showed an extraordinary measure of anger — anger which he expressed by citing American movie icon Clint Eastwood.

"He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn't seen," said Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, who was in the meeting with the king. "He mentioned 'Unforgiven' and he mentioned Clint Eastwood, and he actually quoted a part of the movie."



  1. Obama do u feel lucky PUNK.

  2. I wish we had a leader with some balls

  3. To be fair, the U.S. is part of a coalition fighting these maniacs, and the President said "degrade and destroy," not just "degrade."

    That said, Obama has blown this seven ways to Sunday. He sounds dispassionate about it. There's a time to sound cool headed and a time to sound outraged. His comment at the National Prayer Breakfast was asinine.

  4. Obama's statements at the prayer breakfast tells Americans where his true sentiments lie, that was not a typo!

  5. yeah, I wish we had a president who talked a bunch of smack everytime he got on the mic. Obama has no balls. I mean, he would never have the US lead an international effort to go after ISIS striking their targets with US military power while getting Arabs to go fight on the ground so US troops don't have to. That punk.

  6. So you wish the guy you keep accusing of being a muslim and wanting to be a king was more like the guy who IS a muslim and IS a king.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So you wish the guy you keep accusing of being a muslim and wanting to be a king was more like the guy who IS a muslim and IS a king.

    February 7, 2015 at 11:55 AM

    No, he wishes the commander in chief would act like one and defend our interests, lives and lives of others from these 'people'.

    Tell me, what do obammy's farts smell like?


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