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Monday, February 02, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-2-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " WEST SALISBURY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CONSULTANT FINDIN...":

5:31 to follow on your point. How long would the school be "nice' when kids are being raised not to respect authority or anyone's property. Board needs to do more with character building and parental involvement instead of plotting how to get new schools built all over the county. Maybe if we saw some IMPROVEMENT in our classroom and ranking in the state, the public would be more inclined to support new schools. It is hard to support new schools when Wicomico is number 19 in the state. The BOE is off the rails and not putting focus where it needs to be - on students and classrooms. And before the liberals yell - let me say - NO, KIDS DON'T NEED NEW HIGH TECH SCHOOLS THAT ARE PRETTY TO LEARN. What about hiring teachers who INSPIRE kids to learn!!!


  1. Many on this blog have commented on the arrogance of board of ed leadership, the prevailing attitude of pandering to groups whose young people refuse to work and behave and all the rest. Why would any of that attract quality teachers to this county? If you don't have kids or care about education, you might consider that doctors and other professionals ask about the quality of the schools before moving to an area.

  2. 9:16, It's about the quality of EDUCATION, not how a school looks!

  3. let's be honest ... the main reason we have such dysfunction in our educational process is the disintegration of our cultural values and mores.

  4. 9:16 agrees with you, Joe. Inspiring teachers can teach in unfavorable physical conditions and often do. When students have no intention of ever working and no intention of behaving, teachers should be able to expect those students to be removed to in school suspension or alternative school. That rarely happens if the students involved are of a certain group. It becomes a futile enterprise over which a teacher has no control.

  5. Just for the record...I am an older citizen, retired. My first four years of schooling were in a one room school, first two years with 6 grades, next two with 4 grades. I learned to read and write, do research at a library...not in the school...and was able to obtain an amateur radio operator's license at the age of 8...youngest licensed operator in the world at the time. Obviously had no computers or high tech learning devices in the one room school, other than the wood burning stove that kept us reasonably warm in the winter. I grew up, was able to get a degree and post graduate degree. Never did I have a 'school palace' with atria and all the 'bling' that is being built today. As a matter of fact, I was, myself, a teacher for several years before moving on. 9:51, you are so correct! For crying out loud, my High School Principal's daughter was taken out of our school when she became pregnant as Junior! She went on to become a successful realtor later on. Consequences are what is needed, they aren't there right now. Consequences, not palaces for learning!!

  6. The problem is those screaming "build new, build new" aren't in touch with reality. They need to get off the Eastern Shore and see how things work in the real world before offering up their uniformed opinions.
    They need look no further than the history of public housing in Baltimore City. The names change but the story stays the same nationwide.
    To keep matter simple because the "build new" crowd isn't able to grasp much more, we will start just after WW2.
    Prior to the war distinct "ghetto" neighborhoods made up mostly of African Americans were emerging in the city. They turned into ghettos because of the resident's lack of personal responsibility when it came to neighborhood pride.
    Do gooder's came along and felt compelled to get these dwellers out of the slums. Public housing in the form of high rises were born. Took 30 short years for these to become inhabitable due to residents lack of respect for their own neighborhoods. They were imploded. Then the "village concept. Clusters of rowhouses where the low income could live and they and others were going to open businesses in the area to serve the residents. We all know how well this has worked. Cherry Hill, Westport, and many others are now war zones and havens of crime and poverty all again due to the residents lack of respect for anything.
    Many of the "village" concept public housing has now been bulldozed.
    How nice it would be for all to get brand new homes every 30 years. That's not the point though. The point is take care of what you have. It's one of the best lessons parents can teach a child.

  7. Average and above average students sit in mixed ability classes where they get almost no instruction because of those who won't behave and won't work. Try teaching someone who never intends to work a day in his life and has figured out that some groups of students are not to have office referrals or suspensions. Taxpayers would like their kids to be safe and to be taught. Why isn't that happening?

  8. A couple of comments have referenced "certain groups" that apparently teachers can't/aren't allowed to discipline or refer to office. WHY IS THAT AND WHO MADE THAT DECISION? Who are these groups - gangs, minorities, tough white kids?

    It is time in my opinion that parents be held accountable for their hoodlum kid's behavior. Some people are trying to make West Salisbury into a racial issues. It isn't about race. It is like all the other schools that need repair - it is about lack of respect for authority and property. We see that in all ethnic and racial groups. Teachers aren't suppose to be the parents. I think it is time that parents who either turn their heads or support their thug children should bear the consequences. Fines, withholding renewal of driver's license, etc - whatever it takes - bet they'd start making their kids do better then.

  9. How can we expect anyone's children to excel when the leader of the free world is turning the USA into the worlds longest welfare line?

  10. 2:30 these"certian groups" ate black males. The state om maryland has mandated the these groups cannot be punished more than other groups. Administrators are flat out ignoring many things going on. Kids like the one who beat the 83 year old man are running things. He does what he wants because he knows there will be no consequences For his actions. The schools are losing control quickly and most dont seem to care.

  11. The bottom line is that those not in the schools believe racism is involved if 85% of office referrals involve students from a group that's only 45% of the school's population. Go in our schools. Ask about what is overlooked so statistics are more pleasing to those paid to oversee such things. Schools aren't safer when rules go unenforced.

  12. Someone who has never been a principal or even an assistant principal has no experience running a school. All kids and staff should be safe from threats of violence and constant disruption from those who cannot or will not learn or behave. Why are we paying for Choices (alternative school) and Connections (for those who won't behave at the alternative school)?


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